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Playstation Network getting hacked??


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Say what you will about Xboxlive, atleast I havent had my data accessed in eight years of membership: Im not saying it;s hackrpoof, but it's a heck of a lot better than this mess. I feel really sorry for PS3 users right now, this is something nobody should have to put up with.
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There are rumours that it is an inside job, Sony recently cut a lot of jobs in their online services and this could be the work of disgruntled employees.
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Good theory, would make sense since this system, though clearly under-defended, obviously wouldnt have been unguarded, meaning insider knowledge would make this sort of hack much easier.
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@ Vindekarr:


Sorry to displease you, but just because Xbox Live hasn't been hacked yet, it doesn't mean it's unhackable. In fact, it might be a bigger target in the future for those hackers since EVERYONE who uses Xbox Live has a credit card linked to it (to pay the monthly fee).


Also, shouldn't people who have accounts linked to their credit cards instantly tell their respective banks to cancel their card? Because if they don't, well, they're just asking for trouble (I know it's not your fault, but why not avoid the trouble altogether?)

Edited by dazzerfong
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@ Vindekarr:


Sorry to displease you, but just because Xbox Live hasn't been hacked yet, it doesn't mean it's unhackable. In fact, it might be a bigger target in the future for those hackers since EVERYONE who uses Xbox Live has a credit card linked to it (to pay the monthly fee).


Also, shouldn't people who have accounts linked to their credit cards instantly tell their respective banks to cancel their card? Because if they don't, well, they're just asking for trouble (I know it's not your fault, but why not avoid the trouble altogether?)


An awful lot of people use Live cards you buy from the stores, I won't give them my card details because they don't make it easy to cancel and even when you do they have a nasty habit of helping themselves to another months subs.

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I won't give them my card details because they don't make it easy to cancel and even when you do they have a nasty habit of helping themselves to another months subs.


This reeeealy irritated me. They make it so very simple and easy to take your CC info, but if you want to cancel they make you jump through a bunch of hoops. It was such a hassle .. that reason alone I will never subscribe to Xbox gold again.

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Going into stage 2 withdrawal, HURRRY!!! psn we need you....


I can only play so many offline pc games.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif



NNever ever buying a 360, ever since it rrod'ed the first 3 month's i had it.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mad.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mad.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mad.gif

Edited by Thor.
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Another one I'd suggest giving a try since you're offline is Operation Flashpoint Red River, it's... rude, crude, and pain-in-the neck hard, but it's also very very funny, and well worth pushing through the tide of aweful language. A tactical shooter in the style of Ghost Recon, albiet with less of a stealth emphasis, and somewhat longer. It'll keep you out of trouble too, since it's crazy long for modern shooter. Worth it just for the humor. "Gimme that rifle Sorenson, you couldnt hit the broad side of an elephant with the broad side of a buffalo"
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And there we go. I'm starting to go into withdrawal because I can't kick arse in Tekken 6 and SoulCalibr IV over the PSN... Come onnnnnnnnn, Sonyyyyyyy... My lunch breaks are boring now because of you...


Loljks time for some Magicka.

Edited by DesuChan
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