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Mehrunes Razor Item code


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  • 2 years later...

Can I actually have the Object ID though? (If this is oblivion)

Necroing a long dead topic there, but which one do you mean? The human-readable one (EditorID)? Or the hexadecimal game code (FormID)?

The EditorID cannot be used from inside the game and inside the CS also only if the DLC's plugin is loaded as a parent already.

The FormID heavily depends on the plugin's place in load order, as explained previously by LFact.


And as you can see on the page linked, or the page linked on the page linked to be more precise, even those two IDs are different for every level, as that's how leveling items worked in Oblivion.


Apart from these there's no other ID one could ask for. Inventory objects don't keep their World Object Reference ID when entering or leaving an inventory. It's always created anew and nobody can even guess it.

In case you never touched the Razor so far and it's still lying around somewhere where the author placed it (can't remember anymore if it was lying around in the open or was inside an inventory of sorts or given to you as a quest reward, as in 'spawned' into your inventory), then chances are you can read up the placed reference's ID and do something with it directly, like moving it to your location or something. But I'm not sure this even was the case in the DLC.

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