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Seraphim Armor problem


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Well, I have big problem with this one - I don't know what to do to make this working. I mean, the armor isn't anywhere in game world, so I tried to put it by the Construction Set - and all I saw was this annoying, missing mesh sign. I placed everything in right places - textures went to textures folder, and meshes to meshes - so everything should be okay.

What should I do now?

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Just to get this straight, do you mean that you extracted the textures folder to textures and the meshes folder to meshes? If so, that is incorrect. You must extract the entire contents of the archive to your \Oblivion\Data\ folder, and then make sure that you activate the HentaiSeraphimArmour.esp in the data menu.
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Nope, not like that. First, I extracted everything to my desktop folder, and then I just copy-pasted textures to textures and meshes to meshes. And, of course, esp. to the Data folder. And yes, I tried deleting everything and extracting everything straight to the Data, but still - nothing. :S
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You see, this is what is confusing me. You have said it again: you copied textures to textures and meshes to meshes. That will not work. You need to copy meshes to data, textures to data, and esp to data.
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Right, this is going nowhere fast. Please write down, in detail, exactly what steps you have taken to get this mod to work, and I do not mean "I copied textures to textures", I mean in detail, exactly, from begining to in-game.
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1. Extracted everything to Data and switched on .esp file in the Launcher.

2. When I couldn't see this armor in-game, I deleted all related files.

3. Extracted everything to Desktop, and then copy-pasted meshes to meshes, textures to textures and .esp directly to the Data.

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1. Extracted everything to Data and switched on .esp file in the Launcher.

2. When I couldn't see this armor in-game, I deleted all related files.

3. Extracted everything to Desktop, and then copy-pasted meshes to meshes, textures to textures and .esp directly to the Data.


Right. You don't 'find' this armour in-game. You have to go to 'Best Defence' and 'Divine Elegance' in the Imperial City to buy them. It's all in the readme.

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Did a search for "Seraphim Armor" and KORE - KotN Armor Replacer is the only result that came up here. Is this the armor you're referring to or is it the Robes of the Seraphim that has it's link in the KORE page mod description?


If it is the KORE version you will need to have Knights of the Nine installed and activated. If it's the Robes version did you look here:

Where do I find it?


1) In a chest in the back of the Cheydinal Chapel alter room.

2) In a chest in the testinghall (coc testinghall).


Oops ... missed seeing the link in the OP. :wacko:

Edited by Striker879
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Nah, I was talking about this one. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36854

And YES, I was in Divine Elegance and Best Defence - and it even wasn't on for-sale list. And when I tried to put in somewhere by using Construction Set, in Render Window i saw missing meshes sign - so probably something is wrong with the file.

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