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Morrowind save files directory on Vista? Expert help needed


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Everyone says he needs the help ASAP... why do you need it ASAP?

In a few days I'm gonna get a new laptop, now I have a Vista one. I was so happy, so I secured all my save files for my games. But the Morrowind save files are... no where? They are hidden.


Hidden save files? What?

I browsed the net for some help, I found out that Vista hides the save files to weird folders, that I could not find. I'm not a noob, so I ticked the show hidden files in the options, but only a few random folders like appdata showed. :wallbash:


How can I help?


I browsed the net and found a solution, that works for many other people but not me. Here it is:


"With Windows Vista, go into your main `Program Files' folder.


Once you are in the main `Program Files' folder (or main folder/drive) where you install your games, look at the top of the window, just below the top of your Browser, there is the Fat Blue Bar showing the main options catagories like `Organize', `Views', etc listed from left to right.


Now, at or toward the far right is an option called `Compatability Files'.


Click on that, and `bing bang boom, baby' that's where Vista is `hiding' a lot of stuff!


Now, if you look at the top of the window, you'll see the actual `address' of where this stuff actually is. It should read something like:


user>appdata>local>virtualstore. In other words, it's in your `user' file under the following sub folders"


Now the problem is, that I have the fat blue bar with the Organize and Views buttons, but not the Compatability Files. Now what I need from you, is to help me get that button in that fat blue bar, or find another solution. I'm desperate. :wacko:

Edited by Yetu
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I don't have Vista, but I hope I can give you some pointers. It seems to me that the buttons on the blue bar you are describing are put there via the start menu. If this is the case, find out where your start menu is, and add a short-cut to the Windows Compatibility folder

next step try pinning it to the taskbar, as I assume that is your "Fat Blue Bar"


I run Windows 7 Professional and these things work for me.

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  • 1 year later...

I don't know if you've tried this already or if it's even still relevant (I found this post while googling the same problem just now), but following the address line they gave worked for me, so going into my user folder, then into appdata, then local, then scrolling down to virtualstore.


Sorry if you've already tried this, but I hope it helps :3

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