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Poor Performance


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In places, abysmal FPS-

OBStutterRemover has capped FPS to 30 anyway, but in towns FPS crawls to 10-12FPS sometimes. FPS is OK indoors, somewhere around 15-18 in open spaces as a rule- but just playable.








...and my LO -



Active Mod Files:
00  Oblivion.esm
01  All Natural Base.esm  [Version 1.2.1]
02  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]
03  Armamentarium.esm
04  Hemingweys Capes Improved.esm  [Version 3.0b]
05  Kvatch Rebuilt.esm
06  Better Cities Resources.esm  [Version 4.9.5]
07  Oblivion Common Alternate Start.esm
==  ROOT=====================
08  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
09  OCAS- Example.esp
0A  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.6]
0B  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]
==  LIBRARY==================
0C  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]
==  CLOTHING=================
0D  Dark BrotherHood Hood Replacer V1.4.esp  [Version 1.3]
0E  HentaiSeraphimArmour.esp
0F  SeductiveSet.esp
10  Set.esp
==  WEAPON===================
++  DMCWeaponsExt.esp
==  TWEAK-1==================
11  All Natural.esp  [Version 1.2]
12  All Natural - SI.esp  [Version 1.2.1]
13  Archers Arrows 1.1.esp
++  LoadingScreens.esp
==  TWEAK====================
14  Axebane_Hunters20.esp
==  MISC.====================
15  actors_in_charge.esp
16  Enhanced Grabbing.esp  [Version 0.5]
==  PLACE====================
17  Crowded Cities 15.esp
18  Crowded Roads.esp  [Version 2.0]
19  EM_RedRoseManor.esp
1A  TheGoldenTower.esp
==  QUEST====================
1B  The Lost Spires.esp
==  QUEST+1==================
1C  The-Lost-Realms.esp
==  NONE=====================
**  Oblivion Vwalk UOS.esp
**  DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk UOS.esp
**  DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS UOS.esp
1D  Better Cities .esp  [Version 4.7.0]
1E  Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp
1F  Immersive Interiors.esp  [Version 0.7]
20  Immersive Interiors - Lights Addon.esp  [Version 0.7]
21  OBGE - Liquid Water.esp
22  Distant Chapel Bells.esp
23  Rainbows.esp
24  All Natural - Real Lights.esp  [Version 1.2]
25  LightsOut.esp
26  WindowLightingSystem.esp
27  Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
28  VanityCameraSmoother.esp
29  diversegrasses.esp
2A  ImprovedSigns.esp
2B  personality_idles2.esp
2C  Q - More and Moldy Ingredients v1.1.esp
2D  QQuix - Rock, rock, rock your ship - V3.esp
2E  RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp  [Version 1.7]
2F  VAs Better Gold with no Menu Icon.esp
30  StandingJOJO.esp
**  Crowded Cities 15 Vwalk.esp
**  Crowded Roads Vwalk.esp
31  DropLitTorchOBSE.esp  [Version 2.4]
32  Get Wet - just droplets.esp
33  Streamline 3.0.esp
++  MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
34  ArmamentariumVendors.esp
35  BlackLuster.esp
36  CapesandCloaks.esp
++  CM_Better Wine.esp
++  CM_Better Wine_SI.esp
++  CSR - Golden Saint.esp
37  DMCWeapons.esp  [Version 1.2]
38  GemSword.esp
39  Gizmodian-VeraxanimaOblivion.esp
3A  PTArtifacts.esp
3B  Slof's Boners! v5_DV.esp
3C  Slof's Male Clothing.esp
3D  Slof's Even More Male Things.esp
3E  Slof's Horses Base.esp
3F  Slof's Extra Horses.esp
40  Mounted_Spellcasting.esp
41  Command Mount.esp
42  Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts.esp  [Version 1.03]
43  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]
++  Cobl Tweaks.esp  [Version 1.44]
++  CSR - Fine Iron.esp
44  Hemingweys Capes Improved.esp  [Version 3.0b]
45  Auriel's_Retreat.esp  [Version 1.1]
**  Auriel's_Retreat Vwalk.esp
46  AuriCloudRulerAddons.esp
47  Better Benirus Manor.esp  [Version 4.71]
48  Better Benirus Manor - AN Patch - Natural.esp
49  BrotherhoodRenewed.esp  [Version 1.0.1]
4A  Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
4B  Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp
**  Kvatch Rebuilt Vwalk.esp
4C  Lem - The Spire of Apparitions.esp
4D  GlenvarCastle.esp
**  GlenvarCastle Vwalk.esp
4E  LetThePeopleDrink-Cobl.esp  [Version 2.5]
4F  Shivering Isles Root System.esp
50  tchos' breakfast food.esp
51  Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp
**  Apachii_Goddess_Store Vwalk.esp
52  TOTF.esp
**  TOTF Vwalk.esp
53  RTT.esp
**  RTT Vwalk.esp
**  The Lost Spires Vwalk.esp
54  xuldarkforest.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
55  LostSpires-DarkForest patch.esp
56  xulStendarrValley.esp  [Version 1.2.2]
57  xulTheHeath.esp
58  XulEntiusGorge.esp
59  xulFallenleafEverglade.esp  [Version 1.3.1]
5A  LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp  [Version 1.2]
5B  xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp  [Version 1.2.1]
5C  xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp  [Version 1.6.4]
5D  xulLushWoodlands.esp  [Version 1.3.1]
5E  xulAncientYews.esp  [Version 1.4.3]
5F  xulAncientRedwoods.esp  [Version 1.6]
60  xulCloudtopMountains.esp  [Version 1.0.3]
61  xulArriusCreek.esp  [Version 1.1.3]
62  xulPatch_AY_AC.esp  [Version 1.1]
63  xulRollingHills_EV.esp  [Version 1.3.3]
**  xulRollingHills_EV Vwalk.esp
64  xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp  [Version 1.1]
**  xulBrenaRiverRavine Vwalk.esp
65  xulImperialIsle.esp  [Version 1.6.6]
**  xulImperialIsle Vwalk.esp
66  xulBlackwoodForest.esp  [Version 1.1.0]
67  xulAspenWood.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
**  xulAspenWood Vwalk.esp
68  xulSnowdale.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
69  AutoBookPlacer.esp  [Version 3.02]
6A  Dungeon Actors Have Torches 1.6 CT.esp
++  Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
6B  P1DkeyChain.esp  [Version 5.00]
6C  sgLighterQuivers.esp
6D  Enhanced Vegetation [150%].esp
6E  SkycaptainsBloodTime.esp
70  RealisticFatigue.esp
71  ReducedBackwardsRunningSpeed.esp
72  No psychic guards v1.2.esp
73  RealisticLeveling.esp
74  CTAddPose_v_1.esp
75  77_Umpa_Animation.esp
++  77_Umpa_Sexy_walk.esp
76  shinyEmotions.esp
++  DMC Stylish - Specialanims.esp
77  Slof's Sexy Anims.esp
**  Cava Obscura - Cyrodiil.esp
**  Cava Obscura - SI.esp
**  Cava Obscura - Filter Patch For Mods.esp
78  babehair_EV.esp
79  Corean_hair_for_Original_race.esp
7A  Hidden_Elves.esp  [Version 1.1]
7B  CapsAdmin.esp
7C  Better Cities Full.esp  [Version 4.9.5]
7D  Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp  [Version 4.7.0]
7E  Better Imperial City.esp  [Version 4.9.5]
7F  Better Cities - All Natural.esp  [Version 4.9.5]
**  Better Cities Full Vwalk.esp
80  Better Cities - Ruined Tail's Tale.esp  [Version 4.8.0]
81  Better Cities - Tears of the Fiend.esp  [Version 4.7.0]
**  Better Imperial City Vwalk.esp
82  Better Cities - The Lost Spires.esp  [Version 4.9.5]
83  Better Cities - COBL.esp  [Version 2.1]
84  Better Cities - Unique Landscape Imperial Isle.esp  [Version 4.8.1]
++  Better Cities - Open Better Cities.esp  [Version 4.9.5]
85  MM_NoMoreAnnoyingMessages.esp  [Version 1.2]
++  VG0SmarterTimescale.esp
**  [GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.esp
**  [GFX]_Initial_Glow-self.esp
**  [GFX]_Initial_Glow-creatures.esp
86  Visually Enchanted SoulTrap 1.esp
++  Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp  [Version 1.53]
**  All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp  [Version 1.2]
87  Bashed Patch, 0.esp




I'm running an i7 920, 6Gb RAM and 2Gb HD6950 on Windows 7 x64, 1920x1080


Oblivion located outside of UAC.


Also, my installed BAIN packages -




Bain Packages:
++ 000 - LoadingScreens.7z (509B9100) (Installed)
++ 001 - Vanity_Camera_Smoother-1852.zip (85BBF29D) (Installed)
++ 002 - OCAS_1_0_Omod_Ready_-34307.7z (1DECB933) (Installed)
++ 003 - SmarterTimescale-5859.rar (1CC34A2A) (Installed)
++ 004 - Archers_Arrows-3379.rar (3DB2784F) (Installed)
++ 005 - Axebanes_Hunters_Mod_2.0-1889.zip (F0A2313E) (Installed)
++ 006 - AutoBookPlacer_v3_04-10561.zip (2CF0F931) (Installed)
++ 007 - CommandMount-27957.zip (6B3E5482) (Installed)
++ 008 - PiiiP_-_Enhanced_Grabbing_v05-19847.7z (3837B5D7) (Installed)
++ 009 - DLT_OBSE_V2-4-16282.zip (9D75E5B8) (Installed)
++ 010 - Dungeon_Actors_Have_Torches_1.6-11169.zip (CCB3822A) (Installed)
++ 011 - Elven_Map_Redux-3002.7z (9895E18B) (Installed)
++ 012 - Get_Wet_1_1-10803.zip (5187E9F7) (Installed)
++ 013 - Keychain_v5_00-3409.7z (6C3187AE) (Installed)
++ 014 - RealisticFatigue-2_4-10925.7z (71A57089) (Installed)
++ 015 - QQuix_-_Rock_rock_rock_your_ship_-_3_02-29649.7z (565E45D4) (Installed)
++ 016 - No_More_Annoying_Messages-1846.zip (E7AA9D0E) (Installed)
++ 017 - No_Psychic_Guards.zip (BA62F84A) (Installed)
++ 018 - Reduced_Backwards_Running_Speed__Optimised-6253.zip (AED262F0) (Installed)
++ 019 - UNKNOWNYMOUS_Social_NPCs-31319.rar (6E16AD72) (Installed)
++ 020 - Crowded_Roads_Revamped-4805.rar (2BA46795) (Installed)
++ 021 - Crowded_Cities_12-6665.7z (7B9E0F4F) (Installed)
++ 022 - Capes_and_Cloaks-4539.zip (A36DF99B) (Installed)
++ 023 - SeraphimArmour-36854-1-0.7z (627B8D90) (Installed)
++ 024 - PTArtifactsProperV11-29931.7z (911DD4EF) (Installed)
++ 025 - Tchos_Breakfast_Food_v1-1-20526.7z (A20CEF3A) (Installed)
++ 026 - Veraxanima-37268-1.7z (31F4240A) (Installed)
++ 027 - DMC_Weapons.7z (01F9D407) (Installed)
++ 028 - Gem_Sword.7z (F923B07A) (Installed)
++ 029 - BlackLuster_Weapons_&_Armour.7z (248EDDE5) (Installed)
++ 030 - Armamentarium_v1-1-13884.7z (AEFDD79F) (Installed)
++ 031 - Dark_BrotherHood_Hood_Replacer-2758.rar (D2AC477C) (Installed)
++ 032 - Lingerie_Set_Main_File-37244-1.rar (1AA92B90) (Installed)
++ 033 - slofs_male_clothing_12.7z (998DD012) (Installed)
++ 034 - slofs_even_more_male_things.7z (C9AF3B17) (Installed)
++ 035 - RMF_Seductive-34719-2-0.7z (F5B1407D) (Installed)
++ 036 - WEPON_Base_Install_Oblivion_and_SI-35560.7z (CFFEDBED) (Installed)
++ 037 - Cloud_Ruler_Addons-37425-1-0.7z (7C423777) (Installed)
++ 038 - Glenvar_Castle.7z (ED50F77A) (Installed)
++ 039 - Red_Rose_Manor_ver_1-37842-1.7z (5AA74E92) (Installed)
++ 040 - The_Golden_Tower-37153-1-0.7z (F93E6E4E) (Installed)
++ 041 - Apachii_Goddess_Store.v.1.6.Full.7z (F7F2EA04) (Installed)
++ 042 - A_Brotherhood_Renewed-31773.7z (C1A4E1B7) (Installed)
++ 043 - Auriel_Retreat-27730.7z (34630316) (Installed)
++ 044 - Kvatch_Rebuilt_1-1-15412.7z (63F1AEFB) (Installed)
++ 045 - Ruined_Tails_Tale.7z (C74A19C1) (Installed)
++ 046 - SI_Root_System.7z (638C0636) (Installed)
++ 047 - The_Spire_of_Apparitions-25846.zip (175C5740) (Installed)
++ 048 - The_Lost_Realms_V1.1.zip (58CB21C7) (Installed)
++ 049 - The_Lost_Spiresv14.zip (41D2D44C) (Installed)
++ 050 - TOTF_1_2_2-11598.7z (DC9E624C) (Installed)
++ 051 - QTP3Redimized.7z (1BFB85FE) (Installed)
++ 052 - QTP3_Custom_Textures-26075.7z (203D88F5) (Installed)
++ 053 - Alternative_QTP3_Road_Texture-36843-1-0.rar (6F57240A) (Installed)
++ 054 - Bomrets Texture Pack for Shivering Isles v1.7z (E15CB1D1) (Installed)
++ 055 - UOP_v3_2_0.7z (748411C4) (Installed)
++ 056 - UOP_Supplemental_v326-27710.7z (7193864A) (Installed)
++ 057 - Cobl_172-21104.7z (BFECAEE3) (Installed)
++ 059 - ULComp162-19370-1.7z (EE9AC616) (Installed)
++ 060 - All_Natural-18305.7z (3D0E8D8B) (Installed)
++ 061 - Cava_Obscura-35099-1-3.7z (F4B3107C) (Installed)
++ 062 - RAEVWD-20053-1-9-1.7z (DE3AA518) (Installed)
++ 063 - RAEVWD_SI_Edition-20053-1-7.7z (437C0655) (Installed)
++ 064 - Animated_Window_Lighting_System_v5-5-1-19628-1.7z (A2A59E79) (Installed)
++ 065 - Immersive_Interiors_0-7-34199.7z (D72F1C28) (Installed)
++ 066 - Natural_Environments-2536.zip (6F7C2A7F) (Installed)
++ 067 - Let_The_People_Drink.7z (70D03713) (Installed)
++ 068 - Landscape LOD Textures by Xerus.7z (C8FD78FB) (Installed)
++ 069 - LightsOut.zip (014DE435) (Installed)
++ 070 - Distant_Chapel_Bells_V1dot0-12993.7z (A3C7FC5B) (Installed)
++ 071 - Beaming_Sunglare_v12.zip (F661E9F0) (Installed)
++ 072 - Better_Benirus_Manor.7z (98385A8D) (Installed)
++ 073 - Arena_Hi-Rez_Textures-37929-1.7z (4D5F0E1A) (Installed)
++ 074 - Better_Looking_Toolsv1.2.zip (13B10721) (Installed)
++ 075 - Better_Blood_v11-24448.7z (69EC1244) (Installed)
++ 076 - Better_Wine_SI.7z (2C4F1174) (Installed)
++ 077 - Book_Jackets_Oblivion_High_Res-5570.7z (A6244BAC) (Installed)
++ 078 - better_staffs_texture-3646.rar (E1AE6FAE) (Installed)
++ 079 - Cathedral_Improver_Stained_glass-8227.7z (0A72C5FB) (Installed)
++ 080 - ClassicSwordReplacers1.2_11451.7z (FA8561A2) (Installed)
++ 081 - CM_Arena_Poster.7z (DF6D659C) (Installed)
++ 082 - CM_Better_Wine-4429.7z (B345B3CD) (Installed)
++ 083 - Cooked_Steaks_v1-1-17360.7z (4095B113) (Installed)
++ 084 - Diverse Grasses 0.6 - Default Colours.7z (4633B2CC) (Installed)
++ 085 - DRugandtap-36872-1-2.zip (4962FCDB) (Installed)
++ 086 - Enhanced_Vegetation_-_High_Res_Textures_v1dot1-23783.7z (68E73E25) (Installed)
++ 087 - Enhanced_Vegetation_Darker_Trunks.rar (80F1098B) (Installed)
++ 088 - Enhanced_Vegetation_-_Plugins_v1dot1-23783.7z (587CC786) (Installed)
++ 089 - Mikes_Clothes_Replacer_v11-7487.7z (6FC63A1A) (Installed)
++ 090 - Hemingweys_Capes_Updated.7z (A12D28D4) (Installed)
++ 091 - HiRes_Oblivion_Textures_v11-27887.7z (2E5CA436) (Installed)
++ 092 - High-Res_Varla_and_Welkynd_Texture_Replacer-36814-1-0.7z (58EA58EE) (Installed)
++ 093 - Improved_Doors_and_Flora_Updated.7z (F4003D15) (Installed)
++ 094 - Improved_Fruits_Vegetables_and_Meats-10487.7z (F137D694) (Installed)
++ 095 - Better_Guild_Signs.7z (906E8545) (Installed)
++ 096 - ImprovedSignsComplete-9498.7z (AC0D7615) (Installed)
++ 097 - Improved_Fires_and_Flames-38061-1-0.7z (40B4005C) (Installed)
++ 098 - Improved_Skulls_and_Bones_and_ironwork-36075-1-1.7z (5B67B3B2) (Installed)
++ 099 - Improved_Sky_Textures-7694.zip (1A5C42FD) (Installed)
++ 100 - Improved_Trees_and_Flora.7z (3C9280BD) (Installed)
++ 101 - Lighter_Quivers-6957.7z (ADA6A58E) (Installed)
++ 102 - Jarrods_Rock_replacement.7z (8E39306B) (Installed)
++ 103 - Koldorns_Cave_Textures.7z (C4C341BA) (Installed)
++ 104 - Koldorns_Sewer_Textures_2_v1_1-9080.7z (EB9DEE7B) (Installed)
++ 105 - Q__More_and_Moldy_Ingredients_v11-5065.rar (92577488) (Installed)
++ 106 - Mythic_Animals.7z (B0BEDE07) (Installed)
++ 107 - MythicCreaturesRetexMainfile-29569.7z (13BA908E) (Installed)
++ 109 - Real_Night_Sky_2-16617.zip (0281F4A9) (Installed)
++ 110 - slofs_horses_base_2-24312.7z (3EFC924F) (Installed)
++ 111 - slofs_extra_horses_pack1-24312.7z (653BDC26) (Installed)
++ 112 - slofs_horses_nightmare_2-24312.7z (A1B42DDD) (Installed)
++ 113 - Realistic_Horse_Eyes.7z (95785A10) (Installed)
++ 114 - VAs_Better_Gold_with_No_Menu_Icon-5122.rar (DDF03442) (Installed)
++ 115 - Visually_Enchanted_SoulTrap_Fixed-8490.zip (386B3996) (Installed)
++ 116 - Initial_Glow-5138.rar (E03EBA12) (Installed)
++ 117 - Mounted_Combat_1.12-8962.zip (D42E2BE3) (Installed)
++ 118 - SinkpointsMartialArts1_0-16746.rar (DF1D1D12) (Installed)
++ 119 - DMC_Stylish_Sp_Anims.7z (9F75E0C3) (Installed)
++ 120 - SexyWalksFix.7z (2BD47B09) (Installed)
++ 121 - Oblivion_Pose_Pack.7z (FB9990F0) (Installed)
++ 122 - Better_Cities_4-9-7-16513-4-9-7.7z (C229EC7B) (Installed)
++ 123 - Better_Cities_Permanent_Resources-16513.7z (E40E8173) (Installed)
++ 124 - Better_Cities_Resources_4-9-6-16513-4-9-6.7z (AABF6A9F) (Installed)
++ 125 - Hidden_Elves_Race.7z (26A73DCE) (Installed)
++ 126 - RobertMale_OMOD_BAIN_v5-25365.7z (1B0FADA1) (Installed)
++ 127 - Slofs_Boners_v5_DV-26773.7z (5F4C79A3) (Installed)
++ 128 - RobertMaleBetterNecklines_03-19533.7z (3598AC3E) (Installed)
++ 129 - Exnems_HiRez_Textures.7z (C373FF89) (Installed)
++ 130 - Body_Seam_Reducer_-19738.rar (0F378394) (Installed)
++ 131 - HGEC_Robert_feet-35501.rar (1861F9D3) (Installed)
++ 132 - Danis13_BEAUTY_FACES_v13_Full-7343.7z (F470F3A1) (Installed)
++ 133 - FaceTextures2-14805.rar (ABDD1165) (Installed)
++ 134 - CapsAdmins_Vanity_Pack_v1dot2-20212.7z (86C01DF6) (Installed)
++ 135 - coreanhair-15568.7z (9D56C712) (Installed)
++ 136 - babehair1.0-11210.rar (6B48C8AA) (Installed)
++ 137 - Elaborate_Eyes_Simplified_1dot0-14343.7z (888F6446) (Installed)
138 - ==Last==




So, should I reduce the amount of texture mods installed? I was hoping since I got this video card with more VRAM that I would be OK, but it seems not.


I have the latest version of OBSE and OBGE installed, and I'm running Streamline with Mem Purging only (set to 5).


.ini file has only had int/ext cell buffer and preload size limit increased.


Any advice welcome here, as nothing I seem to try makes a difference. I know all systems are different, but I just think it should be doing better performance wise?


I have used BOSS to sort LO.


Thanks & Regards!!

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So, should I reduce the amount of texture mods installed? I was hoping since I got this video card with more VRAM that I would be OK, but it seems not.


Yes, especially RAEVWD. Keep upgrading your system for the next few years and Oblivion's capabilities will not change. It is an old game that simply cannot take advantage of today's technologies in hardware and drivers.

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What hardware do you have in your system, and what background processes are running? (the stuff in the system tray)


TBH, I try to keep everything to the minimum, I haven't culled any system processes- the OS (Win 7 x64) is as default. As mentioned, i7 920 (not o/c, so 2.66Ghz) and 6Gb RAM and 2Gb HD6950. I did try Gamebooster not so long ago, but I didn't see anything dramatic, I suppose it all adds up though...


Only Microsoft Security Essentials icon "down below", but I think that's fairly good on resources.


I shall have to try, as Hickory mentioned, cutting out a few things like RAEVWD. I love the Crysis DoF shader too, I suspect that kicks FPS into touch as well. I was hoping for a "your load order is rubbish" type answer which would (potentially!!) miraculously solve things :ermm:



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I run QTP3R, RAEVWD, and some of Ampols' textures as well..... without a problem. I get better framerates than you, and my system isn't quite as robust as yours. I do not use OBGE though..... might try eliminating that first, and see what happens. Edited by HeyYou
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Yes, especially RAEVWD.  Keep upgrading your system for the next few years and Oblivion's capabilities will not change.  It is an old game that simply cannot take advantage of today's technologies in hardware and drivers.


Thanks Hickory and HeyYou for your replies.

I have simply knocked off RAEVWD and gained 5 FPS instantly. I am now in the Better Cities Waterfront District, which is I understand renowned for poor FPS anyway, and getting 20FPS; this is hardly "good" performance, but is playable.I have a lot of texture mods installed, QTP3R being the main one, then stuff like Enhanced Vegetation and Better / Improved this-that-and-the-other. Plus Detailed Terrain as well. ":smile:"

I have disabled all shader effects apart from OBGE Liquid Water, but now that it supports DoF shaders too..well,I'll have to experiment.


In conclusion, then- you can't have it all no matter how good your system is; it is a case of deciding which effects you really like and then discarding other (lesser?) stuff. I think I suffer Kid-In-A-Candy-Shop Syndrome when it comes to mods- just cannot leave well alone.


Sometimes, I think I enjoy messing about with mods, and looking at what's available more than playing the game!!!

Edited by rededge
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