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Nehrim as a complete separate install?


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There's no need for all these managers. Notepad and Wrye Bash can solve this problem easily:


For savegames, screenshots, Plugin.txt and Oblivion.ini:

  1. Copy/Paste Oblivion.ini from "...\MyGames\Oblivion" to "...\Bethesda Softworks\Nehrim" (you'll find NehrimLauncher.exe here)
  2. Open it and change the setting "bUseMyGamesDirectory" from 1 to 0. Save and close. DONE!

Now Nehrim will use its own Oblivion.ini in its own directory and will put all saves, screenshots, Plugin.txt, etc in the "...\Bethesda Softwork\Nehrim" directory (in Saves, Screenshots, etc folders)



For the load order, Wrye Bash support the profiling, but you need to configure it.

You may know Wrye Bash create a folder called Bash Installed. It will place there all the installers and also 2 folders: Bash and Bash Mod Data.

By default, WB uses these same "Bash" and "Bash Mod Data" folders for both Oblivion and Nehrim and this cause a conflict. Let's solve it:

  1. First, install Wrye Bash for both Oblivion and Nehrim (check both them when installing Wrye Bash).
  2. Now go to "Bethesda Softwork\Nehrim\Mopy", clone the "bash_default.ini" and rename it "bash.ini". Open it.
  3. You'll find the settings "sBashModData" and "sInstallersData", which define the path where Wrye Bash will put those 2 folders.
  4. Just put a different path than Oblivion (you can even use the same path but a different name for the 2 folders). Save and close. DONE!

Now Oblivion and Nehrim data won't conflict anymore, as Wrye Bash will use different locations to save their data.



I'm using these simple tweaks and the 2 "game worlds" works without problems for me.

Edited by forli
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Oh wow, I like the sound of your idea, forli. I'll definitely be trying that out, as it sounds a lot less complicated than all of these separate managers/manager conflicts. I have a question, though: I already have a modded Nehrim installed. Should I start with a clean install?

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Ehrm... Did a completely clean install of Nehrim, as you suggested. Followed your instructions for Wrye Bash, as well. Nehrim crashe as soon as I boot it up. Do I need a fresh copy of Oblivion, as well?


EDIT: And it also looks like I'm still getting a Data crossover... Not sure what I did wrong here.

Edited by rockbiter68
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A fresh installation shouldn't crash, unless you're using the Oblivion's Oblivion.ini for Nehrim.


Try to delete the Nehrim's Oblivion.ini and move away the Oblivion.ini from the MyGames/Oblivion folder.


Run Nehrim once, up to the title screen and exit. It will generate a new Oblivion.ini in the MyGames/Oblivion folder. Now move this new ini in Nehrim folder and edit that setting.

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About the data crossover, ensure those settings in the Nehrim's Bash.ini point to different folders than the ones used by Oblivion.


Then run Wrye Bash and ensure it's working. Probably all your esps have been disabled (you need to enable them again) and your Installers tab says all packages are not installed.

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Alright, alright. Making progress here. I have the two games running separately now; clicking on the Oblivion icon brings up the Oblivion game with all of my mods loaded, and clicking on Nehrim's icon brings up Nehrim with all of its mods (well, necessary plugins right now, it has yet to be modded) running. No problems, no crashes, no data overlap. So that's good.


Except, well, I can't seem to find where Nehrim is making its saves. Here's what I have so far in my bash.ini:





;--sBashModData is the directory containing data about your mods, ini edits,
; etc. If using MOM, mTES4 Manager, or other utility to manage multiple
; installs, you will want to change this to keep the Bash data with your
; saved games. You'll need to use an absolute path to your saved games
; folder, so here are the defaults and a few examples.
;sBashModData=..\Oblivion Mods\Bash Mod Data
;sBashModData=..\Skyrim Mods\Bash Mod Data
;sBashModData=C:\Users\$myusername$\Documents\My Games\SureAI\Nehrim\Bash Mod Data
;sBashModData=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Bash Mod Data


;--sInstallersData is the directory containing data about which installers are
; installed by Wrye Bash. If you changed sBashModData above, you'll probably
; want to change this one too. Examples:
;sInstallersData=..\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\Bash
;sInstallersData=..\Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers\Bash
;sInstallersData=C:\Games\TES IV\SureAI\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installerss\Bash
;sInstallersData=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Bash Installers\Bash
;sInstallersData=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Bash Installers Data

And here's a section from my Oblivion.ini in the Nehrim root directory:

bCreate Maps Enable=0
SLocalSavePath=C:\Games\TES IV\SureAI\Nehrim\Saves\
uInterior Cell Buffer=12
uExterior Cell Buffer=142
SMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bik
SMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv logo.bik
SIntroSequence=bethesda softworks HD720p.bik,2k games.bik,game studios.bik,Oblivion Legal.bik




Any ideas? There's no saves in that "C:\Games\TES IV\SureAI\Nehrim\Saves\" like the .ini says there should be. There is, however, a folder called "Bash."



EDIT: Nevermind, I seem to have fixed the problem! I ended up regenerating my Nehrim .ini again according to the instructions you provided... I'm unsure as to what I did differently, but whatever it was, it worked! I now have my separate Nehrim and Oblivion installs. This would be perfect if I could just fix those last few issues with my Oblivion...


Ah well. I'll get to that later. Thank you for all of your help!

Edited by rockbiter68
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