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Nehrim as a complete separate install?


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Hey all,


I was wandering if there was a way to install Nehrim completely separate from Oblivion. I mean completely separate as in both my Oblivion install and Nehrim use their own save folders, INIs, and load orders without having to swap files out to move back in forth. It'd be like going between Oblivion and Skyrim, for example: I can just start one or the other up and not have to worry about anything else.

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Yup. Back when I used it I had a number of different profiles for different characters and testing mods. Each profile had it's own load order, saves and in some cases INI settings. Only reason I stopped using it is I had no luck getting it to work alongside Wrye Bash. I hadn't used it much for more than keeping two characters separate for a while and decided I wanted to use WB more than I needed to continue using MOM.


Wrye lets you have save profiles but they don't work as well as the profiles from MOM for having diverse settings and load orders. With MOM you literally fire up MOM, click the profile you want to switch to and click to swap ... the only caveat is don't have any Windows Explorer windows open at the time.

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It was quite some time ago, so I could be recollecting wrong, but I seem to recall trouble when rebuilding a bashed patch (and my current base mods requires a bashed patch). I also seem to recall reading a comment somewhere from somebody (I know ... real helpful huh) that claimed they used MOM and WB without a problem. By that time I'd settled into using WB alone so I didn't try tracking down any info on how they managed it.


I do know that when I tried working out how to get them to coexist I was stymied at every turn, but that was also back when I was pretty new with WB. Could have been some WB ineptitude on my part that was getting in the way (though using WB alone I haven't run into anything I couldn't work out through studying the WB readmes).


If you do try MOM + WB and run into a problem start a thread and maybe it will help kickstart my old brain cells on what was the grief I'd run into, or perhaps that somebody whose comment I read will happen along.

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Hm... Alright. Sounds like it could be a lot of work. I'll try and get to it this weekend.


I suppose the other alternative is finishing my Oblivion install completely, thus pretty much negating my need to use Wyre Bash. I've pretty much got it exactly where I want it. Only three ah, bugs, if you will, remain. If you're interested in helping, I could start a thread about that, as I'd like to complete my Oblivion install in its entirety as well.

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Depending on whether I'm familiar with whatever is causing the bugs I may or may not be of much help. By starting a new thread we may also get the attention of others who might have an answer.


When I had to reinstall the game following a hard drive failure it took me literally weeks to get my base mods install to my liking (now mind you many of my testing sessions would look like extended playing session to many folks).

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Ah. No, I feel your pain there, believe me. A lot of playthoughs also become testing sessions as well. In any case, I'm going to start a new thread and go that route. I don't think my issues should be TOO difficult to fix... but you never know. If nothing comes of that, I'm going to go ahead and just install MOM and see how that goes and possibly create a forum post regarding the usage of that mod manager in conjunction with Wrye Bash if necessary.

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While i have never used MOM, i have used a utility called mTES4 to manage multiple installs. Wrye Bash and all other utils work for me.


mTES4 just clones the game into a new folder, then switches between them by renaming the folders. As long as WB is installed to both copies the shortcuts will work too.

Edited by eric31415
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