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Wrye Bash not working


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Hi all,

I just downloaded and installed Wrye Bash. Unfortunately it isn't starting correctly. I opened the troubleshooting documentation that came with it and ran this in CMD:

chdir /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy"
C:\python27\python.exe bash.py -d 

to get a bug dump. I managed to fix my first error which was related to me not having wxPython installed, but when I re-ran Wrye Bash after, it still failed. I repeated the CMD commands and this time go the following message:



Unfortunately my tamed, python-scripting, friend is on holiday so I'm asking help here instead.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by Wibble199
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Open Control Panel / Add Remove Programs and uninstall anything to do with Python: WXPython. ComTypes, etc. Once you have fully uninstalled Python, download the Wrye Python 03a installer and Wrye Bash 291 installer from the nexus. Install the Wrye Python package first, and then Wrye Bash.

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It's installed in program files..... and UAC is probably still turned on. Open an explore window, drill down to the oblivion install folder, right click on Oblivion (folder), select properties, or personalize.... as the case may be, and turn of DEP, or UAC, or both, if they are in there. Try again.
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http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gifI do not recommend turning UAC off. It is a last ditch defense against certain types of viruses that will turn off your antivirus and firewall to allow the virus to take over your computer without you knowing about it.


I do think that Microsoft made it overzealous in its protection though. It is needed to protect things like the operating system files, antivirus, firewall and any financial programs you have. It is NOT needed for games.


The best solution is to install your games outside of the UAC protected program files folders.

I use C:\games\game-name. if you put games there, they will never be interfered with by UAC>

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http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gifI do not recommend turning UAC off. It is a last ditch defense against certain types of viruses that will turn off your antivirus and firewall to allow the virus to take over your computer without you knowing about it.


I do think that Microsoft made it overzealous in its protection though. It is needed to protect things like the operating system files, antivirus, firewall and any financial programs you have. It is NOT needed for games.


The best solution is to install your games outside of the UAC protected program files folders.

I use C:\games\game-name. if you put games there, they will never be interfered with by UAC>


Turning if off completely isn't a good plan..... unless you are a fairly experience computer junky. Turning it off for a folder for a game should not present any particular risks though.


I still run XP, and I don't even bother with any sort of anti-malware software. At least, not running constantly. But then, I am not exactly inexperienced either....... UAC was just mircrosofts attempt at making things a tad more difficult for the malware writers. Not that it made much difference.....

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