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Question About Merging Models


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How can I Merge a couple of models together in blender I am trying to merge all meshes of a weapons together so there is stuf like

slide model


and others

all of this is parented to a base model

how could it merge it together to one model ?

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Well, that is the simple and correct answer (CTRL + J), however, the larger issues is if you plan to export said model as a single object. The NIF export will separate any object into separate NiTriStrips that use different materials such as one object that uses texture A and another part that uses texture B. If there are multiple textures involved, you will have to 1st merge the textures into a single file and then update the UVs to match the new texture so you will have a unified material. Consider yourself lucky if all objects are linked to the same texture.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Ctl+J and make sure you have only one material for that object (to check materials press F9 and go to Link and Materials). If you have two or more, delete them until only one remains. In this case you`ll also have to merge the texture files into one dds file and make adjustments in your UV. For UV adjustment, select your object, go to Edit Mode (Tab), select all vertices (A) and go to UV/Image editor. Go to Image -> Open and load your merged texture. After this all you have to do is fit vertices onto the image
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Well, lostone1993 never came back to clarify anything, say what did or did not work for his situation or even say thanks.


It is one of those questions I call a "fly by" where someone pops their head in the door, asks a question and runs off never to be seen again. :laugh:

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