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Equiping Tail Slot Items


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So I'm using the Extravagant Mask Pack by Demonizzer (AWESOME :yes: clothing mod for those who are unfamiliar). The masks are fabulous and I really want them on my companions too (I use Companion Share & Recruit). The problem: To leave room for amulets and such, the masks occupy the Tail Slot instead of the hair slot of most helmets or the amulet slot ect. o_O I don't want to change that, but my companions (or anybody for that matter) don't equip tail slot items. Whether they have a tail or not! :wallbash: Is there any way that I can get the world's NPCs to automatically equip their tail slots along with the other slots? Thanks in advance as always! :D



P.S. On a side note, these masks are clothes, but would look fabulous in battle. Even though I can still wear them in combat if I wanted, can anyone tell me how to convert "clothing" items into "armor"? Thanks! :thumbsup:

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