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Setting certain spots for 'Settlers' to stand in settlement


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Is there a way to force settlers, in my case gen2 synths from the buildable robot sentries mod, to stand somewhere permanently without moving unless the settlement is under attack? If you type help "bar" 4, one of the values is a simple placemat; which I am using for my actual bar in the same settlement; and you can assign the synths to them like normal but they deviate from it a ton. Is this the key to making them stand still but still being able to defend? I'd like to place a bunch in these super sciencey tubes of science by any means, but still have them functional, so no turning off their core AI.http://i.imgur.com/33DlIQG.png

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Have you tried the guard placemats?


Homemaker added a bunch of these placemats for me (guard, bar etc), and i think they must be the things you're talking about. But maybe the guard one might be a better one to use, cause they don't seem to wander from guarding much.

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Have you tried the guard placemats?


Homemaker added a bunch of these placemats for me (guard, bar etc), and i think they must be the things you're talking about. But maybe the guard one might be a better one to use, cause they don't seem to wander from guarding much.

On the contrary they do wander a lot. I built a nice building for one of the settlement with named Settlers. Since he is the original farm owner, I want his status to upgrade, he can stand on top of the 2 story bed room looking down at the workers (other settlers). So I placed a guard mat there. But most of the time he walked around and hung out at other guard mat. He still acts as a guard with weapon drawn but hardly get to the mat I wanted him to. Path is clear, he got there the first place, but kept wandering off.

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They only wander if you put more placemats down than guards....obviously.


If you don't want them to wander you just don't place spare guardposts, they stand on the same one all day, hardly even sleep from what i've seen too

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The guard post placemats, they should only leave those when under attack, or if you have been far away from the cell and load in to it (When all the NPC's load kinda clustered, and they love to bug out and end up in the wrong damned places...)... so I think you will always have issues with them needing to get back to the tube positions even if you get them to stay still there.

As for collision, I know at least previously in Skyrim, I think this worked anyway, if you select the object in console and then use the toggle collision command (tcl), it should toggle the targets collision instead of your own. I could be remembering wrong though.

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Nah that resets when you reload back into the game. And yeh they are in the same cell as Starlight Drive-In, but they're outside of the boarders, which turns out doesnt matter because you can command settlers to beds outside of the boarders and they'll (regrettably) assign themselves to beds that are free within the cell. But they aren't even walking to the post when it's inside of the tube no matter what elevation, but are fine when it's "unobstructed". Also when I load up the save file, a few of them if I forced them into their positions through modding their position using the console, will be on the roof -_-

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