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Prison doors: How to lock them


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I am in distress. I have created a script, but do not know why it won't work.

Here it goes:

Scriptname FacePrisonDoorScript

Begin GameMode

If Player.GetInWorldSpace AAANewWorld == 1

FaceWesternEndPrisonDoor2.Lock 80



The CS doesn't report any mistakes. The target is to lock the door, once out of the prison. Should I create more prisons, it would work as well ( that's why I used Worldspace instead of cell).

Should I use GetInCell? Doesn't GetInWorldSpace work?

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If I am understanding you correctly, once your character is out of the prison he/she is no longer in that cell/worldspace, so you might try:


Scriptname FacePrisonDoorScript

Begin GameMode

If ( Player.GetInCell PRISONCELL == 0 ) && 
( Player.GetInCell TARGETCELL == 1 )

       FaceWesternEndPrisonDoor2.Lock 80



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Then I can't see why that would not work. Normally, I would write your script as:

Scriptname FacePrisonDoorScript

Begin GameMode

   If ( Player.GetInWorldSpace AAANewWorld == 1 )

      	FaceWesternEndPrisonDoor2.Lock 80



I don't know if the parenthesis makes any difference in a simple condition like that, but I doubt it.

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The reason why it doesn't work is because objects that aren't loaded don't run their scripts. So once you get out of the cell with the prison door and into the exterior, the door is no longer loaded. So that script won't run. It will only run while you're in the cell, but whenever you're in the cell, it doesn't lock...
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You can try using this:


scn example

Begin OnLoad

Lock 80



That will make it so that whenever the door the script is attached to is loaded, the door will lock. So whenever you enter the cell or load the game from the cell, the door will be locked.


Another option is to put an X marker inside the actual prison cell and lock it whenever the player is far enough away that he/she has to have gotten past the door.


scn example

float tempfloat

Begin GameMode

set tempfloat to (GetDistance "X marker") + 100
if (Player.GetDistance "X marker" > tempfloat)
	Lock 80



Or, you can keep your original script and instead attach it to something else. For example, the exterior door that leads into the prison.

Edited by fg109
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