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EXTREMELY Ambitions Modding


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There is something I've been wanting to do with the construction set. Something long, arduous, time-consuming, irritating, and wall-bangingly difficult. I don't want to mod oblivion anymore, I want to make something new in it's place.


Basically, I want to make a new game using the construction set. Not just a little two-hour distraction, but a full, exspansive game along the same lines, with little-no trace of the original game within it. Maybe a shared model here and there, but that's about it. I won't have that kind of time until the end of this quarter but I will be putting plenty of effort into it once I do. I will reveal details about this game idea as time goes on, my next post will be on the new game's plot and will occur in this thread tomorrow, but for now I just want to know if this has ever been done before. Ever. By anyone. Period.





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Alright, I'm quite skilled with the CS and I'm OK at texturing but I'm no good at meshes or scripts and I'm also VERY busy at the moment so I won't have loads of time for it. :confused: :wallbash: Edited by Daledge
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Alright, I'm quite skilled with the CS and I'm OK at texturing but I'm no good at meshes or scripts and I'm also VERY busy at the moment so I won't have loads of time for it. :confused: :wallbash:



So am I, that's why I'm waiting for the quarter to end.


I'm a writer, for the most part. I am capable of rudimentary modding, but scripting is new to me. I guess I'll have to direct my scripting questions to the forum. I have a friend on my end for meshes, so it comes down to just textures, debugging and playtesting that we're short on. Can you help with those?

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I've decided to upload the setting today so the plot tomorrow will make sense. I must make it clear here that this game, and its 'verse, have nothing to do with the Elder Scrolls at all.


The game itself takes place in Eo, a series of thirty worlds across three suns. Specifically, the game is in the main world, which is the largest living world. The other worlds are only mentioned in lore, and will not appear in game. Each living world outside of the main one favours a specific element. (Water, Fire, Wind, Rock and Flesh) Eo's main world has all of these in equal abundance and all are featured in the game. However, it's elements are not the defining attribute. Eo's defining attribute, common to all the living worlds, is its history.


Eo was once a thriving world rife with civilization. Tens, maybe hundreds, of billions lived upon its worlds. But Eo was always torn between two forces: order and chaos. They manifested themselves in two groups of physical gods, the titanic Aesir and diminutive Vanir. Unlike their norse counterparts, there was no clear "good" side. Aesir kept order and structure through oppression, discrimination and violence, while Vanir maintained freedom through thievery, deception and murder. For most of their history, the Aesir had the upper hand, using superior technology and coordination to hunt down and exterminate the Vanir. Then things changed. The Aesir's slaves and peasants revolted against them, and the Vanir did not miss the opportunity. The Aesir lost their source of power, and in an act of desperation laid waste to all six worlds, leaving little left of their once proud civilization. All of their technology was lost, leaving behind only flesh and magic.


It has been nearly 2,000 years. The world is recovering, having recently rediscovered black powder. The only sign of the god's great civilizations are the ruins. The main world's population is in the tens of millions, and is slowly climbing again. But, despite all the signs to the contrary, the gods are not gone, and the war is not over. Aesir now struggle to regain their power, and the Vanir struggle to put them down for good. Order and chaos cannot make peace, regardless of circumstance.


It's time to pick a side.

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Sounds good. First restriction from the Oblivion engine (as standard) - from my understanding of earlier forum threads you cannot add any weapon types, you can only replace another weapon type with your new one. So, for example, adding a gun will mean losing (say) daggers, or swords, or bows, or clubs. That's why there are very few weapon TYPE mods for Oblivion - no slings or darts or shuriken. If you remain pre-gunpowder you have the same weapons as Oblivion. Take a look at the crossbow mod for Oblivion to see how to replace an existing weapon type.


It is, of course, possible that one of the clever people using the script extender has managed to overcome this limitation but I haven't heard of one.


You COULD rework the concept to maybe use the rediscovery of the old gods themselves the turning point of the mod - so the re-introduction of magic (for the chaos side) or the fight against it (for the side of order) would be the key the game hangs on. Your character could have abilities for both, and as they use more of one or the other they change alignment with the two factions.


Edit: Here's a link to a related discussion about adding spears to Oblivion - http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/17099-weapons-of-oblivion-spears

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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