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The Witcher 2 coming to consoles


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Well, they could make the dialogue options more, and start charging $200 a game to afford the voice actors.


Every piece of dialogue in a game doesn't necessarily need voice acting.

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To whoever says dragon age 2 was not dumbed down, honestly has to be mentally ill. I will name a few of the issues with the game.

1. Companions - Cant change armor. Not near as much... "chattabily" with them.

2. Communication - Instead of thinking of the right choice, you get 3 obvious ones. 1 Good, 2 funny/normal 3. Rude/cruel

3. Campaign - MUCH more linear.

4. Quests - VERY boring. Feels like grinding quests from an MMO like world of warcraft, just with voice acting.

5. Combat - Was obviously made for consoles, it went from RPG like to god of war like. And is much more fun to play on consoles.

6. Armor - Very few armors in the game that aren't the exact same. (most of them are just recolored)

7. Story - Dull and doesn't pull you into the story and make you feel as if you are a part of it.

8. Character creation - DA2, male or female. DA:O, male human, male dwarf, male elf. female human, female elf, female dwarf. And those choices get different story options for each selection. for example you can be a noble dwarf or a common dwarf.


all that was just off the top of my head.


as for TW2, i played the first one for a bit not long ago but since its such an old game i couldnt really get into it. and since im not expecting like what i did from DA2 from DA:O, i should like this game :)

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but since its such an old game i couldnt really get into it

The Witcher is 3 years old.


really thats all? haha, compared to games today it felt really old. maybe it was just the combat system that turned me away from it. and the story pickups very slow, i quit before it really started

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To whoever says dragon age 2 was not dumbed down, honestly has to be mentally ill. I will name a few of the issues with the game.



The problem with that is that for a lot of us, those weren't issues. Personally I enjoyed the game a lot more than I did DA:O. Sure, maybe it was simplified from DA:O, but at least I didn't get bored whenever I went into a house and suddenly you had to run through endless corridors and rooms for a single quest. God, that game dragged quests out. It was just corridor after corridor, filled with enemies, and it bored me to tears.


^see, there were glaring issues with DA:O for a lot of us too. Some enjoyed DA2, some enjoyed DA:O. People should stop trying to convince people who enjoyed DA2 that they didn't actually enjoy it, because I'm pretty sure I loved it.

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To whoever says dragon age 2 was not dumbed down, honestly has to be mentally ill. I will name a few of the issues with the game.



The problem with that is that for a lot of us, those weren't issues. Personally I enjoyed the game a lot more than I did DA:O. Sure, maybe it was simplified from DA:O, but at least I didn't get bored whenever I went into a house and suddenly you had to run through endless corridors and rooms for a single quest. God, that game dragged quests out. It was just corridor after corridor, filled with enemies, and it bored me to tears.


^see, there were glaring issues with DA:O for a lot of us too. Some enjoyed DA2, some enjoyed DA:O. People should stop trying to convince people who enjoyed DA2 that they didn't actually enjoy it, because I'm pretty sure I loved it.



Dragon Age 2 is a fun game, Dragon Age Origins is a good game. I don't know how that works.

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I know but I'm sceptical as this is a new company that recently decided to develop games, not like BioWare. I need to know what people really think of it before making a informed choice.
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