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Dragon Age Inquisition Freezes


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Alright so I get passed the Pride demon in the prologue and can talk with Cassandra and Leliana but when it goes to load the cinematic after it freezes on the black screen with the loading picture and save circle. I take all my mods off and I can get passed it but then it presents another problem. After I run around haven to collect the quests from Thren, the apothecary and go down to where the blacksmith is it freezes right on the steps and the music turns off after a few seconds.


I have updated the C++ redist pack

My graphics card is updated

I have tried playing offline

I have repaired and updated the game



I have tried basically any all of the usual fixes and nothing seems to work I have included pictures showing what mods I have. I am at the end of my rope and I would like to enjoy the game v.v






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The game engine isn't all that complicated in how it chooses what to load. It tends to load on demand so if you're getting a reliable crash when you approach the doors to Haven, it's something the engine is loading in the cell you're entering that's likely to be causing it. Is Cassandra or Cullen standing out there? It could be one of their cosmetic mods. Or something to do with the NPCs/soldiers out there. Do you remember what mods you installed when it last was working? You may have to just untick a lot of mods, merge and then install them back in slowly until it breaks again.

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