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taking small pictures with Fraps ?


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Unless your FRAPS is licensed it'll take the screen shots in BMP or uncompressed JPG's, which will be too big. You need to either license your FRAPS or use another program to compress the file into a smaller JPG.
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No no no, you don't have to buy anything.


Get Infranveiw (do a Google for it, I think I spelt it right)

The unregistered version is free, is a really good program, and can convert any image format you could want, into any format you could want.

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Or use MS paint.

Don't know if that lets you set compression, although it can be used to scale.


I just use GIMP, since it's already associated.


As far as compression level goes, in my opinion anything more that 50 is a waste of space. 25 is a decent lower limit.

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