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Upgrading PC, MOBO, GPU, CPU questions

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I am thinking about upgrading my PC:


AMD 550 II x2 3.1 ghz

ATI/AMD 4850 512mb

4gb ram

ASUS m4a785td-V evo


What I am thinking of buying:


XFX AMD radeon 6870 1gb ddr5

AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 ghz, 8mb cache

(You can suggest other similar hardware, but please, NO Intel or Nvidia)


(Yes, I am a gamer. And I like paying for things that make the moving pictures more pretty)


Now I have a few questions.


Will my motherboard support these new components?

Should i get an additional 2 gb of ram? (Additional info: I am planing to do more computer graphics, and additional RAM would be good i guess.)

Should I have dual boot of W7 32bit and W7 64 or W7 32 and XP 64? (I know a few programs that are running better in XP, but i can't choose between those 2 settings since I can get the XP mode in W7.)


Thanks in advance.

Anyone that tries to help me gets kudos, as always. Help should never go unrewarded.

Edited by Iv000
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Your mobo should be compatible with what you have listed. I would go for a different brand like sapphire or so just because I've heard horror stories trying to RMA through XFX.

Also for $50 dollars more you can get a 6950 2GB which can possibly unlock to a 6970.

As for windows, I would just get W7 x64 (32 bit is pointless now). Your programs should run fine in W7 or in compatibility mode.

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Your mobo should be compatible with what you have listed. I would go for a different brand like sapphire or so just because I've heard horror stories trying to RMA through XFX.

Also for $50 dollars more you can get a 6950 2GB which can possibly unlock to a 6970.

As for windows, I would just get W7 x64 (32 bit is pointless now). Your programs should run fine in W7 or in compatibility mode.


Thanks, I appreciate the help!

As for the 6950, the 6870 costs 1,600 HRK = 320$ and the 6950 with the 2GB ram costs 2249 HRK = 450$, that's 130$ more. Hardware is very expensive in Croatia these days.

Sapphire/XFX, I will search around for more info, thanks for pointing that out.

I am not so sure if I should only get W7 64, I heard some stories that not everything runs great on it, and I 100% want a dual boot. (I already got one W7 32, XP 32)

I will try to find some more info on that matter to. I don't want a program not working because of compatibility issues.


Again, thanks for the help! Kudos to you my friend.

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Yeah, and the mobo prices aren't too bad either.

If you're saying NO intel (and nvidia) just because, then I really suggest looking into the 2500k. (biased suggestions are biased :D )

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Intel and Nvidia are firstly too expensive, and secondly I just don't like them. They only care about the money, and their advertisements are everywhere.

AMD is a honest company, I don't care if they aren't the number 1 in performance or in quality, but their prices are a LOT cheaper, they have almost the same performances as their Intel / Nvidia counterparts and I like the logo :tongue:


What I mean: INTEL Core i7 Extreme Edition 990X 3.4 GHZ = 8000 HRK = 1600$ (!!!) -This is the only Intel 6 core in my area. My favorite hardware shop loves AMD too :3

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T BOX Black Edition 3.3 GHZ = 1600 HRK = 320$ (Yes I love AMD, and that won't change)


Same goes for Nvidia, money first, all other things later.


(FYI the average Croatian monthly pay is 6000 HRK = 1200$)


Now before this evolves into a flame war, it would be nice for this topic to die, or either to be locked.


Thanks for the help mcole!

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The price of the 990X is indeed insane but the sandy bridge chips are affordable, unlocked and beat every other processor in games.


Do not get a 6 core just because it has 6 cores, for gaming the quadcores are better.

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The price of the 990X is indeed insane but the sandy bridge chips are affordable, unlocked and beat every other processor in games.


Do not get a 6 core just because it has 6 cores, for gaming the quad cores are better.


Yea, but getting a quad core would be stupid now, since a six core costs like 60$ more.

And it's always possible to disable two cores.

And I am not doing only gaming, I am doing 3D & 2D graphic design too. :thumbsup:


EDIT: Congrats on 100th post :tongue:

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