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AWKCR crashing FO4


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I've set up my Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini as per the instructions on http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation I'm currently using Craftable Guns and Weapons, Craftable Ammunition, Customizeable Power Armor and Jepack Drain, Full Dialogue Interface, no dotdotdot, and Fallout 4 Configuration tool. All of them I installed and activated through NMM which I am using version 0.61.9. FO4 run smoothly with no crashes or long load times with the above mentioned mods installed and running. However as soon as I install any mod that uses AWKCR the instant I go to the crafting menu in the settlement creation menu my game crashes. The version of AWKCR I'm using is 1.71 and I'm trying to use Crafting Workbenches 2.0 and Armorsmith Extended 2.61. Is there a way to tell if I'm installing them wrong through NMM or if I'm doing something else wrong that may be causing the crashes. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance :)

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I need a lot more information as to where the crash is occurring, as well as a mod list. I also need to know if you are running F4SE, and the beta patch. I can't tell what the cause is, I can only speculate. Does the crash happen when yoou open the workshop menu, or when you move around in it?

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How would I get a list of the mods getting loaded? It's the digital steam version of FO4 with patch 1.3 which came out today on steam. The crash happens when I go from the store button in the workshop menu to the craft button as soon as I hover over or click over to the craft menu the game crashes at that point. I was thinking maybe it might also be my load order if one mod was asking for something that hadn't been loaded yet is there any way to check that?

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Okay, to post a load order here, go to x:\User\<User Name>\App data\Local\Fallout 4. The plugins.txt, open that up. Then copy it. To paste it, and it doesn't take a full page you want to use the following, [ spoiler ] (paste your copy here) [ /spoiler ]. Take the spaces I deliberately put between [ s...r ] and [ /s..r ] And that will post it. Not having mods activated won't hurt anything. Active mods might conflict, and cause problems.

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This is my current mod loading attempt.




Crafting Workbench.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp=1
Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
Crafting Workbench - PreWarDressSA.esp=1


Edited by markcounselor
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Hello there. So, I uninstalled and deleted EVERYTHING. Totally wiped the existence of Fallout 4 from my computer. With an entirely vanilla game, no CTD. If I have the Fallout4Custom.ini with the instructed mod enabling lines on the Nexus page - http://wiki.tesnexus...od_Installation - with NOT EVEN ANY MODS INSTALLED - I get CTD on pod exit in the Vault. I get CTD here there and everywhere. This is not good. So I either play with no mods, or I can't play at all. Anyone that figures out how to fix this, please PM ME! I am a mod author and cannot even work on my own mod.

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  • 9 months later...

What was the solution?

Given that the original posts are extremely old, the game version is different, the mod version is different etc. Your issue will probably not be the same as the original poster. Please post your load order and any additional details about your problem.

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