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Favorite TV Show


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I tend to only watch things that I find both entertaining and generally enriching... So no, I don't watch TV.There really isn't anything good on television (I do still occasionally check back from time to time), all the reasonably interesting series like SG1, or Firefly get cancelled and mindless reality shows are everywhere... Why can't they just do the Running Man (the book version) and just be done with it? Seriously, all the reality shows are the same garbage, you get a few people together, you offer some sort of prize, then you think of wierd, not actually dangerous, things for them to do to win it... and call it reality.


There is also the whole thing with television just being a vehicle to sell people crap they don't need, and television shows being there just to keep people interested enough between commercials.

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There weren't enough episodes of Fire Fly for me to decide on whether it was good or not -- there were only 13 or so before they "did a Farscape" and killed off most of the characters in the film.


I don't watch TV, but watch quite a few series off DVD -- SG1, BSG, Scrubs, Friends, 24 mainly.

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There weren't enough episodes of Fire Fly for me to decide on whether it was good or not -- there were only 13 or so before they "did a Farscape" and killed off most of the characters in the film.


I don't watch TV, but watch quite a few series off DVD -- SG1, BSG, Scrubs, Friends, 24 mainly.


24 is a wonderful show 8).But Friends ruins my day lol. ;)

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Found a new show.Little People Big World. Sounded stupid at first but it is kinda funny.

Yes... Let's laugh at the midgets... >:(


I believe it's supposed to impart some insight on the situation facing a group of people who are more often regarded as novelties than people with lives, dreams, and problems.

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