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Mass Effect Plot Generator


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I was cruising the web for a bit, and I happened to stumble upon an interesting little thing that creates random moments within the Mass Effect universe.


Mass Effect Plot Generator


Heh... "A thresher maw charms Ashley."


Many, many interesting results...

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LOL great findhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


I assume full controlhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

Edited by Thor.
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Nihlus practices inventive uses of mass effect fields with Harbinger.


Benezia probes Gabby.


Aria dresses up in Phoenix armor for Morinth.


Joker assumes direct control of 'The Priiize'.


Garrus becomes Saren.


Morinth becomes Admiral Hackett.


Thane breaks up with Zaeed.


Samara calibrates Kelly.


Tali knows Kal'Reegar feels this.


Emily Wong probes a pyjack.


A pyjack embraces eternity with Miranda.


Garrus is 'friend zoned' by a space hamster


A space hamster cheats in Skyllian Five against Legion.


Jesse wants a thresher maw to put more of the stuff in the... thing more stuff goes in.


The last one was rather...disturbing

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Benezia slaps omni-gel on Samara. WTF?

Miranda calibrates a space hamster. ?????

EDI buys a copy of Fornax for Garrus. o_O

Anderson renegade interrupts Gabby. :blink:

The Shadow Broker embraces eternity with Dr. Chakwas. :blush:

Kasumi tests reach and flexibility with Jenkins.

Saren is 'friend zoned' by Sovereign.

The Shadow Broker slaps omni-gel on the Thorian. :ermm:

'The Priiize' tests reach and flexibility with the Thorian. :yucky:

'The Priiize' hacks the Shadow Broker. :excl:



Ok these are really weired



*edit add Funny as Heck *


Emily Wong ignores Liara to watch the techno Turian.

Edited by Gracinfields
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"A space hamster hacks Legion."


"Admiral Hackett practices inventive uses of mass effect fields with Councilor Velarn."


"Legion tests reach and flexibility with Anderson."


"Tali headbutts Urz."


"The Thorian plays Galaxy of Fantasy with a thresher maw."


"Grunt Virmires Jack." <- Makes no sense, but still sounds wrong...


"A thresher maw calibrates Gabby."


"Thane licks the Biotic God."

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