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A Palestinian State


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The Arab Spring is having a far more profound impact than anyone could have imagined .Israel was created as a State by a vote in the UN and there is serious movement to do the same for the Palestinians using the same mechanism. This process is to begin in May and to be concluded by this coming Sept .So far 150 Nations around the world have indicated a willingness to support this and as a preliminary step Egypt has brokered a reunification deal between Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank.They (Egypt) have also indicated they will be permanently opening border between Egypt and Gaza and will be moving forces in to take control of the security situation.Here are 2 links.


UN Vote on Palestine


Hamas - Fatah Unity


This is really gonna shake things up in the Middle East

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If they were able to get land from some of the neighboring countries as well, I think it would be a good idea.


It think it would definitely help to diffuse some tension there, though I doubt it'll solve the problem entirely. I'm sure someone would complain about it, because this world just isn't that perfect.

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I think it *could* be done but it will come down to exactly what land will make up the state and if they are going to take land Israel currently controls, how Israel reacts to the plan.


There is connection with whats going on to something called the Palestinian Papers .These papers are the equivalent of the English worlds Wiki Leaks and they show that for what the Palestinians thought their leaders were doing in regards to Peace negotiations and what the Israeli's were doing was very different than what everyone thought they were doing.In other words go before the camera's and spew the often heard rhetoric and then behind the scenes doing things very differently.This went on for 10 years with out anyone knowing and it came to a head when the Palestinian leaders offered Israel . 1) Around 30% of the West Bank itself . 2) Complete abandonment of East Jerusalem except the immediate area around the Temple Mount and 3) Help the Jewish people rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount itself .The Israeli's gave them a flat no.If you (people in general ) have any understanding of the magnitude of what was offered you would realize that this isn't negotiation , it's surrender.And all they got was a flat no ,so now the Palestinians have come to the conclusion that the Israeli's have never been interested in peace but endless negotiation ( 20 plus Years ) so that the settlements can continue to be built .This is why they are taking the actions they are now with the UN and are refusing to talk with the Israeli's.Instead of secret negotiations they want it all to be done in the light of day ,so everyone can see exactly whats going on.


What is going to go before the UN is a claim for Statehood based on the last time in history the land was wholly Palestinian , the 1967 borders.One thing I would like to point out about the West Bank ,when you see stories on the news about the West Bank and behind the newscaster you will see a picture of the West Bank and it looks a certain way ,a certain size, you need to realize they are all freaking lying to you , everyone of them ABC , NBC , CNN , FOX and so many more and they have been doing it for 40 + years .Here is a far more accurate map of the West Bank .The map is really simple to understand green is Palestinian and blue is Israeli and if you look at how the blue divides the green one simple dictum applies divide and conquer.Through this process and the building of Jewish settlements and enough time you simply drive them out of existence and you get it all. Here is a link to an Israeli Human Rights organization called B'tselem whose maps will confirm the first one provided and are actually considered so accurate they are being used by the Israeli cabinet.

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What is going to go before the UN is a claim for Statehood based on the last time in history the land was wholly Palestinian , the 1967 borders.


You made a long and thoughtful post and I hate to pick out one thing but this is what confuses me a bit. If I look at the "history of Palestine" I don't see when Palestine ever actually rules itself. The most generous estimate would be the Iron Age in 1200–330 BC. Right after that it is Israel and we are off to the races.

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If they were able to get land from some of the neighboring countries as well, I think it would be a good idea.


It think it would definitely help to diffuse some tension there, though I doubt it'll solve the problem entirely. I'm sure someone would complain about it, because this world just isn't that perfect.

Pretty much this.


I think it will help some but it will not completely solve the issue.

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What is going to go before the UN is a claim for Statehood based on the last time in history the land was wholly Palestinian , the 1967 borders.


You made a long and thoughtful post and I hate to pick out one thing but this is what confuses me a bit. If I look at the "history of Palestine" I don't see when Palestine ever actually rules itself. The most generous estimate would be the Iron Age in 1200–330 BC. Right after that it is Israel and we are off to the races.


In 1776 Americans had no history of self rule , 1863 Canadians no history of self rule , so what was it that made us band together to form a nation , it was our sense of culture , community and identity and the Palestinians have had that in abundance for a long time ,even the Ottoman Empire recognized that in the 1800's by granting the larger population centers limited self rule , Jerusalem in particular which coincidentally also included Jews and Christians ,though the majority of the population was Palestinian. Even the Jewish people would have to go back to 75 CE when the Romans kicked them out of Judea , if time was the determinate factor then you could make the same argument for them.

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In 1776 Americans had no history of self rule , 1863 Canadians no history of self rule , so what was it that made us band together to form a nation , it was our sense of culture , community and identity and the Palestinians have had that in abundance for a long time ,even the Ottoman Empire recognized that in the 1800's by granting the larger population centers limited self rule , Jerusalem in particular which coincidentally also included Jews and Christians ,though the majority of the population was Palestinian. Even the Jewish people would have to go back to 75 CE when the Romans kicked them out of Judea , if time was the determinate factor then you could make the same argument for them.


Nice post.

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