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Actually, doing it by motion-capture wouldn't be such a bad idea, just so expensive that it's unlikely anyone in the community has the hardware to do it. Think about it... you're just capturing skeletal motion. It wouldn't involve any real-life nudity or sex, you just need to get the people to pretend to strip/have sex/etc. Maybe I/my friends are just more open about it, but I can't see that being a problem. Just like I said, the hardware for it is way outside my budget.



And as for the legal issue, a simple "I'm over 18" message to accept would be enough. It works just fine for hardcore porn sites, so it should cover the mod author/host if anyone underage gets a copy. Of course this isn't just relevant to a stripper mod, if I ever do anything with mature content, it's going to have a clear warning of some kind just in case.

Uhm... Do you really think that someone in the TES-community would mo-cap when he / she have fake sex or strips and release it so of users can watch it?

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Actually, doing it by motion-capture wouldn't be such a bad idea, just so expensive that it's unlikely anyone in the community has the hardware to do it. Think about it... you're just capturing skeletal motion. It wouldn't involve any real-life nudity or sex, you just need to get the people to pretend to strip/have sex/etc. Maybe I/my friends are just more open about it, but I can't see that being a problem. Just like I said, the hardware for it is way outside my budget.



And as for the legal issue, a simple "I'm over 18" message to accept would be enough. It works just fine for hardcore porn sites, so it should cover the mod author/host if anyone underage gets a copy. Of course this isn't just relevant to a stripper mod, if I ever do anything with mature content, it's going to have a clear warning of some kind just in case.

Uhm... Do you really think that someone in the TES-community would mo-cap when he / she have fake sex or strips and release it so of users can watch it?


Why not? I don't see it as being any different from capturing any other movement. It's not like there is any real-world sex involved, you could do it fully clothed with no real contact. And your real-world body isn't being shown, your only contribution is the skeletal movement (since you don't seem to know what you're talking about, motion capture data just gives you a stick-figure skeleton, not the full body) that is passed on to the oblivion body. I wouldn't have any problem with doing it myself, except:


1) I don't have access to the expensive hardware necessary. Hey, brilliant idea... anyone who wants a stripper mod, buy me the motion-capture hardware and I'll make it for you.


2) This proposed mod is an absolute joke, and I wouldn't waste my time with it. Even if I for some reason decided to put sex in Oblivion (and considering how easy it would be with the right hardware, I probably would just to give the morality police a little more to have heart attacks over), I sure wouldn't be doing it as part of a poorly-concieved project like this.


Neither of these have anything to do with any reluctance to have that capture data available to the public. If anything, the knowledge of what all you Oblivion fanboys might be doing with my models/animation would be a source of endless amusement to me... given that the real-life Peregrine is very definitely male, I would have to question the sexuality of anyone sticking my acting job on a female character and calling it "hot".

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