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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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For further debate: What now? Do we still stay in the Middle East until we've rooted out every last terrorist? Pull out and proclaim "JOB DONE" in giant lettering?
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For further debate: What now? Do we still stay in the Middle East until we've rooted out every last terrorist? Pull out and proclaim "JOB DONE" in giant lettering?


Good continuation ub3rman123. There are always going to be more where Osama came from, tho maybe not as great. It will never stop. If we stay there is the problem of "oh the war is over we got him now we are done." But that is not the end. Really there will be no end to it, unless the middle eastern countries will do their part and not make us or others to it. If we leave, like I said they will come back, tho not as before for some time.


In the end I just do what I am told. After one war another is going to come and I will be there. In my opinion it is better to stay, but with a clearly defined objective, whatever the President or whoever does it decides.

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For further debate: What now? Do we still stay in the Middle East until we've rooted out every last terrorist? Pull out and proclaim "JOB DONE" in giant lettering?


it's not too far out of the realm of possibility that obama's going to ride this PR wave all the way to the next election and actually come through, but considering saddam's death didn't pull us out of iraq, osama's death is not going to pull us out of afghanistan. or any middle eastern country for that matter. his death doesn't stop american hatred in the middle east.

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A couple of thoughts in the clear light of morning.... This was a major victory but the war is not over in fact the 'fat lady' is no where in sight. Second we have discussed in the past the usefulness of the CIA and the validity of Gitmo, it seems that both contributed heavily to this accomplishment. Seal Team # 6 conducted the operation, but without intelligence the Seals would not have had a hard target. There is always an adrenaline rush at the achievement of a difficult mission but as sure as God made little green apples Al Queda will try to demonstrate that they are not impotent within the near future and if successful innocents will again pay the price.. This is not over or even close to being over, which is a sobering thought . Just my two cents.

The debate about Gitmo isn't really about if its working or not, its about if its legal and morally correct.


However you are correct about the CIA. The CIA helped greatly in this.


While some may consider his death a victory, it is likely will have strong back lashes on the USA.


It will cause more unrest with terrorist groups, and will likely lead to more attacks.


Not to mention Al Qaeda will have a new leader now, and no one really knows what that could do.

Edited by marharth
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The intelligence was not gathered from Gitmo at all, it was gathered by following a Courier.


They actually got the info on the courier from KSM. Possibly from water boarding. The source was Gitmo.

Edited by csgators
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The intelligence was not gathered from Gitmo at all, it was gathered by following a Courier.


They actually got the info on the courier from KSM. Possibly from water boarding. The source was Gitmo.

Yea I just read up on that, I take back what I said.

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