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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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Personally I don't think he is dead, due to the fact that there is no body to be independantly verified (they've kept the bodies of other 'lesser' threats before, why should someone as notorious as Osama not be?)..

They don't keep his body because it could, and likely would, become a shrine and a rallying symbol for al-Qaeda forces and other anti-American groups both in the Middle-East and around the world, who saw that man as a crusader for their cause.


The DNA 'evidence' could be taken from any of his relatives and compared with his sisters DNA.. Without the body it came from, it is irrelevant... Now, my theory as to what happend? America studied this compound for a while and believed it to be occupied by Osama.. They raided it whilst breaching Pakistani borders, entered the building and then executed an unarmed civilian whom they believed to be Osama. In order to prevent any backlash they took the corpse and dumped it in the middle of the ocean claiming it to be Osama.

See the PS, besides what is Pakistan going to do about it? The most they'll ever manage is some whining, the fact is they were harboring one of the most wanted men in the world, right under their nose. If they start whining about us crossing borders without permission, we'll just ask why they didn't find him earlier.


The CIA are 'preparing' on releasing a photo of said Osama, yet why not just release it? Why do they need to prepare it.

I imagine they're trying to find a picture that doesn't depict a bullet-ridden body. Also, the desecration of a corpse is highly offensive in the Islamic world and the last thing they need to do right now is release some random photo they have of him shot up and lying on the ground in a slump.



I know many people won't hesitate in calling me an idiot or a 'conspiracy theorist' but this is just my personal opinion, it seems too sketchy to be true.

I figure if they shot the wrong guy, they'd just say it was a high-ranking al-Qaeda officer. Why claim they just took out America's Most Wanted if they really didn't? There's a swell of patriotism, but I doubt most people care that Obama managed to do that versus if Bush had succeeded in his presidency versus if the guy had been shot by Russians during the Soviet invasion back in the 80s.

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guy's, keep in mind, that showing off a photo of the face of a dead muslim with 2 bullet holes* in his head isn't the kind of thing you necessarily do on a whim just to placate the "pics or it didn't happen" crowd considering what the picture's release could result in :whistling:


*according to currently available info


Disclaimer : I'm presenting the statement in the way it could be percieved in the middle east.

Edited by greywaste
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Why would the US fake his death? All Bin Laden would have to do is post a video with him holding that days newspaper and the US would look ridiculous. The "He's still alive" conspiracy relies on Bin Laden cooperating with the US, a little far fetched even for the craziest conspiracy theorist.
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The CIA are 'preparing' on releasing a photo of said Osama, yet why not just release it? Why do they need to prepare it.



I know many people won't hesitate in calling me an idiot or a 'conspiracy theorist' but this is just my personal opinion, it seems too sketchy to be true.



Thats it, you are therefore going to hell by doubting the situation, you will be known as a comedian and funny man while in your grave, Thats how "some" people think of thinking of your own anyway.


But in all seriousness: Yes there is something amiss here, something hiden and not told.


Edit: @Greywaste "guy's, keep in mind, that showing off a photo of the face of a dead muslim with 2 bullet holes* in his head isn't the kind of thing you necessarily do on a whim just to placate the "pics or it didn't happen" crowd considering what the picture's release could result in"


Well IF you are assiocating both then read: Associating muslims with this douche is unaceptable. It is a common mistake associating Muslims with terrorists, not all bearded man are there to blow your house.

Oh and how many people i saw and heard saying things like: Can't wait to see how america will deal with those turban wearing scum.

Edited by HellsMaster
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One thing; it kind of makes you think where he got that huge fortress in Pakistan from, don't you think? cough Pakistani government cough <-- that was meant to be sarcastic, and if it is offensive to anyone, please just notify one of the administrators to remove this part of the comment.


And the Americans had jurisdiction there: they 'co-operated' with the local Pakistani authorities.



The americans had no right to conduct a military operation on Pakistani soil without first informing the Pakistani authorities and gaining their approval.


Additionally @Rz1;


Firstly, the body becoming a shrine is an irrelevant point, that doesn't justify not keeping the corpse long enough for it to be independantly verified.

Secondly, Pakistan could do quite a lot about it if they wished to, given the USA as much as you might like to think it is - is not the world police.

Thirdly, the whole point in the photograph is to show that he is dead. If they don't provide one showing that, then it wouldn't close things.


As for reasons in faking his death, I don't know of any specific but it could easily be (as I stated earlier) to cover up their cock-up so they don't look embarrassed on the world stage, many nations have covered things up for smaller reasons so I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by Gishank
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Okay so much for being civilised American Troops. Also so much for using his wife as body shield.



Now i wonder whats taking so much time to be release..... its just a picture after all, people has seen "worse" in films and video games dont kid yourselves.


There was quite a backlash when pictures of Saddams sons were published, maybe they don't want a repeat of that.

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Okay so much for being civilised American Troops. Also so much for using his wife as body shield.



Now i wonder whats taking so much time to be release..... its just a picture after all, people has seen "worse" in films and video games dont kid yourselves.


There was quite a backlash when pictures of Saddams sons were published, maybe they don't want a repeat of that.


What about doing the necessary to quel the doubt back home?


I also had a question, if he was so evasive and died so many times before, WHERE THE FRIG DID THEY GET THE DNA THEY COMPARED IT WITH?

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I also had a question, if he was so evasive and died so many times before, WHERE THE FRIG DID THEY GET THE DNA THEY COMPARED IT WITH?


I imagine they are comparing it to one of his numerous relatives in Saudi Arabia, or got DNA of him from them.

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I also had a question, if he was so evasive and died so many times before, WHERE THE FRIG DID THEY GET THE DNA THEY COMPARED IT WITH?


I imagine they are comparing it to one of his numerous relatives in Saudi Arabia, or got DNA of him from them.



They compared it with DNA taken from his deceased sisters brain, apparently.

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