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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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Personally, when I heard the news, it felt somewhat surreal, as I was just a kid when 9/11 happened. As a Christian, I don't celebrate his death, and well, the response from the Vatican concerning the subject sums things up best for me.


Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi said that while Christians "do not rejoice" over a death, bin Laden's death serves to remind them of "each person's responsibility before God and men", expressing hope that bin Laden's death "would not be an occasion for more hate, but for peace". The Vatican went on to say that Osama bin Laden must answer to God for having killed an innumerable number of people and exploiting religion.


As for the future? I don't think we'll be hearing much from Al Qaeda for a while. They'll be back, no doubt. But Osama was a revered man within the group, and despite claims that there is no true hierarchy, many, many extremists will be eager to take his place, to call themselves his successor. I'm expecting a power struggle.


So while they'll be back eventually, they'll probably shoot themselves a few times before getting their stuff back together. But that's my opinion. America has dealt a strong blow to Al Qaeda, but now I think it's time to back away, as right now, we aren't their biggest enemy, their biggest enemy are themselves.

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Well yesterday being in school I heard a lot of cheering USA USA and all that. Many people of course did not want to celebrate death I can't go against them but for me a death to SCUM like IT should be a holiday. I am sure he might have not been killed in action and Pakistanis might have been hiding something but let's just wait for all the conspiracy theorists to pile up.
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It only took 10 years, hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars; wow, we got him.


Of course we still have 23% real unemployment and a continually tanking economy...we should invade a new country now I think...maybe Nigeria?

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Still on the Royal Wedding, eh? (sigh)


Well, if it pleases you, then yes, I'd say this is big news. Bigger than the wedding? We'll see.


This news is irrelevant.


Al Quaeda is bigger than ever, with footholds in mutiple countries and this will only inspire them even more.


You are a child but if you had to worry about finding a job, you wouldn't care much about this, because we still have a sinking economy and debt that will continue to increase.


This is the very defnition of a Pyrrhic victory.

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TBH I'm surprised we actually gave him an honorable burial....

We buried him in 'Brown Water' not blue, by Navy tradition thats not for the honorable dead. As for abiding by the religious customs of the Muslims, why not? We are not barbarians, we have buried enemies of our country by the customs of theirs for centuries.

Good comment :thumbsup: Only savages abuse the bodies of their enemies. He's gone, thankfully, and it means one less distraction from the real job of thwarting terrorism.

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Well at least there's one more of them gone straight to hell, Pyrrhic victory or not. Hallelujah! It took tens of millions of lives to run Hitler and his partners in genocide to ground, but my God it was worth it. Many victories are Pyrrhic.


Now then, Ayman al Zahrawi next perhaps?


In any case, the Pakistani government have a LOT of questions to answer. It was obviously considered that they could not be trusted not to tip Osama the wink that something was afoot, hence I can quite see why they were bypassed.


Some rather perturbing signs here in the UK already - on the breakfast news today, an Imam in the city of Luton, which has a large Islamic community, was giving an astute and measured view of the situation...and in the background, the hotheads were yelling Osama Bin Laden's name. There may be trouble ahead...

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If we are going to stay in wars forever in the middle east, could we at least move our troops to Pakistan?


There is a slight issue that you are overlooking, the Pakistanis are a NUCLEAR power and we have not been invited to do so. I'll bypass the usual sardonic comment and assume you just temporarily forgot those salient facts.

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If we are going to stay in wars forever in the middle east, could we at least move our troops to Pakistan?


There is a slight issue that you are overlooking, the Pakistanis are a NUCLEAR power and we have not been invited to do so. I'll bypass the usual sardonic comment and assume you just temporarily forgot those salient facts.

I was making fun of our involvement in the middle east...

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If we are going to stay in wars forever in the middle east, could we at least move our troops to Pakistan?


There is a slight issue that you are overlooking, the Pakistanis are a NUCLEAR power and we have not been invited to do so. I'll bypass the usual sardonic comment and assume you just temporarily forgot those salient facts.

I was making fun of our involvement in the middle east...

Only you could find it amusing, your sense of humor is extremely singular...

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