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Most Hated NPC?

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Maglir, even if you try to help him out he still turns on you.


The female Mania guards, while they are attractive I hate the fact that they always say “GO” after you finish talking to them, even if you’re The Duke of Mania or even after you have become the new ruler of The Shivering Isles. Seems like they should show more respect.

I always liked (and hated) the Ordinators' "We're watching you...scum." Of course, if it had been done in the voice Oblivion uses for Dunmer, it would be purely the latter.

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the guy adrieli or something in the blue outfit that hangs around the waterfront at day i robbed him then killed him then threw his body in the water and then dumped all stuff on him and then went and showed the guards
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In their defense... *SPOILERS BELOW. Can we get this moved?*




I was under the impression Gogan didn't actually get robbed, and the Sirens were too street-wise to go after him. Hence, they needed the player.

Though, still, they really could have lent a helping hand in the fight...



How the heck did you come up with that?


They robbed Gogan of a ring that when sold turned out to be a fake.

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NPCs I dislike...


Fighters Guild Porters (all of them): You know the guy that wears the steal armor and follows you around while you are inside the fighters guild? I may check to see if they like apples soon.


Armand Christophe: The Thieves Guild dude who gives you the first couple of missions. For some reason he just gets on my nerves.


Mages at the Arcane University: You know the ones where you walk up to them and try to converse with them and they respond by saying "I'm too important and busy to talk now" even if you are the Arch-Mage. I so wish I could just slaughter the whole University sometimes.


Gilgondorin: Guy that runs the Silverhome on the Water in Bravil. He just seems like a real jerk who needs a fist in the mouth.


Reistr the Rotted: That big stupid balding Nord in the Skooma Den.

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The odd thing about the Porters are that, if you don't join the Fighters' Guild, they don't follow you around like a suspicious shoppkeeper. Which makes stealing things from the hall, of course, much easier. But as soon as you sign up and everything becomes free to take, they begin stalking you as if afraid you're going to clean the place out.
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The odd thing about the Porters are that, if you don't join the Fighters' Guild, they don't follow you around like a suspicious shoppkeeper. Which makes stealing things from the hall, of course, much easier. But as soon as you sign up and everything becomes free to take, they begin stalking you as if afraid you're going to clean the place out.

That is funny, I joined early so didn't notice the difference.

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