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Would love to know if there is a way to either:

  • make Flashbang a support grenade rather than an offensive grenade (so you can equip it alongside Frag grenades and such); or
  • alter/remove the grenade limit for soldiers so they can equip multiple offensive grenades at once.


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At least re-creating Hidden Potential was easy.


Just add this to the DefaultClassData.ini under [XComGame.X2SoldierClassTemplateManager]




I still gotta compare the numbers with the original Second Wave option, for now you can get 0-2 extra points of Aim per level, pretty sure this could also be used directly under the ClassTemplates instad of the ClassManager. Although it would be nice if this could go into the negative too.

Edited by Hammerstein2k11
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Arno has created a VoicePack on the nexus forums and when you select it in the character pool it works fine but when you use it in a actual game it freezes when you select it. Any ideas as to why that might be? Do we need to do anything with "static event InstallNewCampaign" or "static event OnLoadedSavedGame" in "X2DownloadableContentInfo" for voicepacks? Seems like it shouldnt be neccessary?

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So if I boil my problem down to the core then it looks like this:


CharacterBaseStats[eStat_Offense] = RandRange(55.0,75.0)


I wish it was as simply as just adding that line to the ini....


I know, right? However, this is Unrealscript, with no lua run-time added, so there's no pseudo-code allowed in config files.

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