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Should I get MMM?


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I have the same question. :)


It looks great, but I am concerned about the stability of the game, and whether or not it is more of a pain than an improvement.

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If setup right, MMM by itself shouldn't case too many stability issues... unless it just spawns too many actors for your computer to handle. But that would be a good reason to use the less spawns module for it rather than just give up on it. It's FCOM (which includes MMM) that really makes people's games unstable, but that's because it's an amalgam of normally conflicting mods to begin with.


My only hesitation for SFW type reasons is that, IIRC, it adds at least one feminine daedra that is nekkid. That still isn't stopping me, however, and I would rather just be careful than take out MMM.

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I use FCOM myself. It took me about 4 hours to get it all to run smoothly. (At first, it would get to the Bethesda logo, then die! LOL WUT? Turns out I was bashing the patch wrong, lol.) But, you know what? It was worth it. Just read the instructions, haha!


Have yet to have any CTDs. And that's saying a lot considering how old my Vista comp is!

Edited by luxwing0go
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I've used MMM paired with Franscesco. Work great, I think. I got random CTD from time to time but that's normal even without MMM or Franscesco.


Anyway, I believe MMM adds some new monsters and gameplay tweaks. Francesco adds even more monsters and weapons with gameplay tweaks too. Oh, you can choose which tweaks do you want to install in Francesco I think. I exclude OOO because it changes the gameplay way too much :<

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