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Can I run it


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So I been wanting to play Morrowind for awhile now but I never knew if my computer could run it so I'm going to write down my specs and someone tell me if I can run Morrowind.


Processor. Intel®Pentium®Dual CPU E2140 @ 1.60GHz 1.60GHz


Installed memory (RAM): 512 MB(501 MB usable)


System type: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit(6.1, build 7600) Operating System.


Chip Type: Intel®82945G Express Chipset Family


I hope I posted this right.

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Yes you should be able to run Morrowind but have a look at the specs for it.


At the same time, you may want to consider the items below:


  1. You CPU is a bit slow, I found a dual core 2.2GHz laboured a bit,
  2. The RAM you mentioned is only barely able to run Windows 7 and certainly not enough to run a game, you could do with about 2Gb RAM.

You also haven't said what type of graphics card and sound card you have. Ideally you need a good graphics card, try for one with at least 250Mb RAM, and see if you can get a PCI Express card. Secondly use a good sound card, mine's good , old but perfectly serviceable You also need to make sure that your sound and graphics drivers are kept up-to-date.


Keep all those in mind and you should get a good performance..

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Using the computer you plan to play the game on

Go here to see if your computer can run the game



You will find the various game we support

Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fallout3 PC

Dragon Age listed as Dragon age

Fallout New Vegas as Fallout: New Vegas

Morrowind is not listed, However if you can run Oblivion at all it should run well on your system.


Note: TES V - Skyrim is not listed yet as no one knows what the final requirements will be yet.

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Yes you should be able to run Morrowind but have a look at the specs for it.


At the same time, you may want to consider the items below:


  1. You CPU is a bit slow, I found a dual core 2.2GHz laboured a bit,
  2. The RAM you mentioned is only barely able to run Windows 7 and certainly not enough to run a game, you could do with about 2Gb RAM.

You also haven't said what type of graphics card and sound card you have. Ideally you need a good graphics card, try for one with at least 250Mb RAM, and see if you can get a PCI Express card. Secondly use a good sound card, mine's good , old but perfectly serviceable You also need to make sure that your sound and graphics drivers are kept up-to-date.


Keep all those in mind and you should get a good performance..


Money is tight for me and all the money I do have is going to skyrim for the console but my computer manages to play half-life 1 perfectly with the res all the way at the top and the hd pack. the best game I've ever played with my computer was fable the lost chapters and it ran well . I also played half-life 2 on it but very laggy.

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Using the computer you plan to play the game on

Go here to see if your computer can run the game



I understand, however, just follow the link the moderator gave you, or even to the Bethesda Forums to get an idea of the specs required. Your comment about Half-Life 2 was just what I was meaning, when you look at the specs look at the recommended specs and NOT the minimum specs.

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