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[idea] Mod Author's PM section


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There's common problem of nearly all popular mods authors (MA's): hundreds and thousands of fans or just mod users (MU's) wants to tell about their feelings, report issue, request improvement etc. with no other way than personally. So MA's PM section will be flooded with messages used to be in comment section of mod. Usually in this case MA's are closing their PM section. It prevents their PMs from being flooded, but it also prevents them from sending messages to other MA's.


I'm suggesting two variants of this problem solution. Both of them are based on mod's number of endorsements/downloads.

This system must detect how many endorsements/downloads someone's mods have, than apply filter to this user and decide whether he/she can or can't send message to MA.

Filter must be customizable, so MA can choose which parameter he/she want to filter (endorsments or downloads) and threshold value to separate sections. For example 100, 200, 500, 1000 for endorsements, while filter counts endorsments from all users mods, no matter for which game.


1. Mod Authors PM section, completely independent from general PM section. - This variant more preferrable, because it will allow to separate talking with MA's from talking with MU's without blocking the whole PM section. But theres another side - i think it will take a lot of work and time to make another independent PM section, i.e. it can be pretty much expensive for Nexusmods.

2. Filter for general PM section. - This variant will allow simply cut MU's from MA's PM section, while he/she still will be able to talk to another MA's. This variant isn't so convenient, but much easier to make, i think.


I hope i've described my idea not too much chaotic, so everybody can understand what do i want. And of course i'm very interested about what does people think about this idea - i'm open for reasonable criticism.


P.s. I've made it not for myself, because i'm not uploading my own mod's to Nexus or anywhere else (with rare exception), so, obviously, i will be recognized by this filters as mods user. But i hope this filters can be useful for popular MA's.



Theres few different thoughts about second variant (filter):

2.1. Make it possible to close PM section for all except friends

2.2. Allow user to make his/her own list of those "VIP's" who can send PM's to this user.

Don't know if this function already exist or not - i actually never used possibility to close my PM section. So if not - let this will be additional variants. If yes - scratch this.

Edited by Sentariel
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Great idea and I shalt make a effort to let everyone I know come here and prob say the same damn thing. Stupid pm's are a daily occurrence and 95% of them are useless or think I'm their personal IT guy

Hey, DDProd. Actually this idea was born in my mind, thanks to you and Elianora. Your conversation with Eli in your awesome "Get to know your mod Author" interview has inspired me to think about this problem. :smile:

Edited by Sentariel
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This sort of thing wouldn't be possible with our current forum software (or really any off the shelf forum software).


We do hope to make our own forums at some point, but we're talking years from this point unfortunately.

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Not much optimistic... uh... actually, you've just burned many peoples hope on the bright future...

Though, i have few familiar forum administrators, some of them told me that they have number of modifications (and even written by themself), so they can made PhPBB3 forum engine, nearly match PhPBB5 engine (or something like that). I don't understand very much in this things, but it sounds impressive. And make me think that PhPBB engine (3 or 5, no matter) is very flexible.

I'm not arguing (it needs much more knowlege for me to argue), but... is there absolutely no possibilities to make at least something similar to my idea... or maybe not similar, but something that will fully or partially solve PM spamming problem, on current software?

Umm... of course, if this possible but will require thousands human/hours of work, it's not those droids... um, possibility we are looking for.


About forum... maybe it's just need to start? Place a foundation? I believe that if you will get started building a new forum, there will be many good people who will voluteer to help... Because Nexusmods already built very strong and friendly community.


P.s. Sorry if all this talking sounds stupid... But someone needs to ask stupid questions, so others won't have to.

Edited by Sentariel
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