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Are you allergic to anything? What things cause you to have reactions?


The only thing I'm allergic to is penicillin, had it after surgery when I was a baby and I had a rash everywhere. I also had an allergic reaction to "One Step" brand hand sanitizer, but only the scented ones - they had some pink colored blossom berry scented stuff and some green "aloe" stuff, both caused me to develop a hideous purple-blue, bruise like rash all over. The regular clear kind didn't, but all the same I'm never touching One Step again. Bad.


Aside from that I'm not allergic to anything. I feel really sorry for people with food allergies though, I'd really hate it if there was a food I couldn't eat because it could seriously hurt me. My Dad is allergic to pistachio nuts, which really stinks because I absolutely love pistachios.

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Major hay fever suffurer. Virtualy any dry, cut grass sets me to sneezing, and I keep on sneezing, and sneezing, and sneezing. Funny thing is, I didnt find out just how allergic I was until I visited my grandparent's cattleranch on the norht queensland coast-during hay cutting season. A-choo.
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Pollen, it's everywhere in the air especially after yardwork, and it sucks. My nose gets runny, I sneeze constantly, my nose and mouth get dry, just a load of crap I hate. Edited by DeathWarrior
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The sun. Well, not deathly allergic, but after about 10-15 minutes of un-protected exposure (i.e. without sunscreen), I have a rather nasty sunburn.


I guess that's what I get for living so far north.


Edit: Oh yeah. There was also some bodywash I used freshman year... that stuff was nasty. Welts all over my thighs. I felt like screaming; which is exactly what I did as soon as I got into the car after swim practice.. :confused:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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I am not really allergic to anything. I do occasionally get hayfever though, and hate it.


Indoril, you probably want like hearing this, but due to my Italian I was born with olive skin. In other words, I can pretty much stand out in full sun wearing no shirt even, and not get sunburn. :D

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Major hay fever suffurer. Virtualy any dry, cut grass sets me to sneezing, and I keep on sneezing, and sneezing, and sneezing. Funny thing is, I didnt find out just how allergic I was until I visited my grandparent's cattleranch on the norht queensland coast-during hay cutting season. A-choo.

Same here.

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Indoril, you probably want like hearing this, but due to my Italian I was born with olive skin. In other words, I can pretty much stand out in full sun wearing no shirt even, and not get sunburn. :D


Ack! Well, I shall blind you with the paleness of my skin! :happy:


Let's see here... I'm Swedish, Norwegian, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and German... The only thing in there that wouldn't burn as easily is the German...


I still remember my parents making fun of me when we went to Australia, due to how pale my legs were... the sun was actually reflecting off of them. :pinch:


On-Topic: I also realized today that I have an aversion to dust. I sneeze for about 10-15 minutes straight when exposed to it (i.e. when cleaning or vacuuming).

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Animal fur. I love animals, and i swear I was supposed to be a vet, but my mother took a particular morning sickness drug whilst pregnant with me, which is now known to cause allergies in the baby. So now touching any animal (or sometimes just being in the same room with them) will bring me out in a rash, the sneezes and watering eyes. It also aggravates my asthma. Oh, and I also have serious hayfever. I do feel like I dodged a bullet though, as I managed to avoid getting any food/meds allergies. At least my allergies won't kill me!
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