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Exnem or Eshme :(


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I have Exnem's mod. I think it looks better than Eshme's (although his mod is a good one to) In addition, there are a lot of extra files for Exnem's body.


My advice is: Try Exnem's body for a few days. If it doesn't suit your taste, you can allways delete it textures and meshes, and keep using Eshme's body





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I started out with Eshme until I found Exnems. I think its more realistic ( aside from the huge boobs but they have fixes for that now ).


Not trying to make things worse for you but you might want to check out Fantasy Figures which is releasing a new version soon.

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I think with any body mod you got the issue for looks, and how many supporting mods there are that use the body for armor, if your new to oblivion and want to mod its pretty hard to get the info, especially when its just lists, what would be good that large mods, like Exnems and Eshme's had a sub tree of mods that use them.


Anyway, i think am using Exnem mostly due to armor and supporting mods that work with it.

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I am currently using Exnems nude, which I think is very good.

I doesn't "doll" the female body too much. And it has a decent array od armours to go with it, and adding most of the standard Oblivion-armours (Leather, Fur, Iron, Glass...), It is a sure winner.

I want my armours to be kinda beefy. Honestly, they are ment to protect the body. A bra isn't much protection ;)

It's your choice :)

Give them both a chance, though I suggest Exnem's

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have Eshmes body mod. i like it. it's good. i just recently saw Exnems and i am now torn between the two. please help me on this modding community. :unsure:

Exnem's with High Res textures. Simply because all other bodies and clothing generally is of low quality.

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I have Eshmes body mod. i like it. it's good. i just recently saw Exnems and i am now torn between the two. please help me on this modding community. :unsure:

Exnem's with High Res textures. Simply because all other bodies and clothing generally is of low quality.


That is simply not true. Eshme's is a great mod, as well as Bab. Personally I don't like Exnem's, the body proportions look unrealistic like a Barbie Doll. But this is maybe because it's been made for adolescent males :D

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That is simply not true. Eshme's is a great mod, as well as Bab. Personally I don't like Exnem's, the body proportions look unrealistic like a Barbie Doll. But this is maybe because it's been made for adolescent males :D


Proportions are matter of taste, I guess. Eshme's are of adolescent girl - skinny, long-legged, etc. Exnem's is more of adult woman, reasonably muscular and with big, but real-looking breasts. May be something is wrong with Exnem's (missing ribcage, for example:) ), but for me he's models looks more alive.


But main reason why I prefer Exnem's is quality - both of body and clothes. Each square half-inch of Exnem's is detailed and carefully carved, and detailed texture takes it even further. And as of clothing, all Eshme's clothing are plain horrible - carton cutouts and paint on skin. And covered with strange white spots. Exnem's clothing is at level of Bethesda, Black Luster and Growlf.

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  • 10 months later...
Hey. I used to use eshmes. I like it better than exnems, but not by much. I play exnems now for the simple reason that there is way more clothing and armor for it. And if your wondering i liked eshmes better as to me it was more natural less playboy bunny like look. So to sum it up. Just bodies i go for eshme. For total package of mods available nothing beats exnem.
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