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Phantom .esm & .esp


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I had some mods installed on NMM for Fallout 4. After uninstalling them all via the correct procedure I still have 5 .esm & .esp files staying in the plugin list. They are unchecked but remain there and I have no way of removing them. They are not linked to anything.


I removed completely NMM, and reinstalled it from scratch but they're still here.


I reinstalled Fallout 4 because it was corrupted (don't really know how that happened but it's not relevant here).


Does anyone have any idea how to remove those useless plugins ?



Here are their names, just in case :


Snap'n Build.esm


DD_CBBE_SLooty_Castle_Innie_Vajayjay_4k_Fix.esp (I have no idea what that one is btw)

BusinessSettlements-SKPatch.esp (this one is written in red for whatever reason)

DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp




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What exactly keeps you from either removing these lines from your plugins.txt or deleting plgins.txt completely?


And if they keep on showing up in NMM's plugins tab, that means, that these files still reside in \Fallout 4\data for some reason. Deleting these files from that folder should solve that.

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