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Character Run Speed too slow, Shooting speed

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Hey there, perhaps someone with more knowledge than I can be of assistance.


Recently, i've run into a nasty problem involving speed.


I'm one of those stat neat freaks and perfectionists so my stats are all maxed out and attributes... all that.


My character runs so slowly, like when wearing heavy armor as a novice or something... yeah, that slow. And while this would not be such a problem, I'm not wearing ANY armor. Just clothing from a mod with little to no weight or armor value at all. My speed is capped at 100, I also have the Theif birthsign, and the moonshadow elves plugin mod that increases speed by 20 points at night. My light armor skill and Heavy armor skill are all at 100 so no encumberance, My bow is the only weapon I have on me and arrows that are both "sheathed" or "stowed" so I don't have them out.


My character shoots rediculously slow as well with a bow, I remember being able to shoot at least three arrows in the time it takes me to shoot one now. My marksman is at a decent 70 and my agility is maxed out at 100... there's no reason i shouldn't be able to swing my dagger three times before the enemie recovers from recoil, or for my character to nock an arrow like it's her first time shooting...


any idea? I mean, I use an encumberance mod, "carry all you want" so i'm not over encumbered or anything, Nothing should be reducing my run speed, shooting speed, etc... at all in the slightest.


Any ideas? If it helps, I just nearly completed the Arena fight quests, and had the raiment on, and then took it off after I left the arena. I litereally have no quests done that would do anything. I literally just trained my skills to perfection and did the mages guild entry quests, none that are after apprentice level. This is probably important as well, I don't have any other programs running except for steam (bought a steam copy of the game, so it HAS to run for this to play)... nothing at all.



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I suggest posting a full mod list, in load order, in spoiler tags - unless it's blindingly obvious to someone what has happened, then you'll need that anyway to spot the problem.


Double check for active effects - is anything nobbling your character like a spell or a disease or a cursed inventory item?

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Okay, i'll post my load order when I get a chance, and yeah, I already checked the usual, my stats were the three stats buffed by the theif birthsign, a reflect spell, reflect damage, and another benign effect for a total of six active effects, NONE which were detrimental at all, no disease/curse/damage attribute effects.
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