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How long will it take modding to come into its own after release?


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Well I'm very excited for Skyrim, but I was planning on waiting until the modding community put out some good atmosphere updates,races, quests, body mods, etc so that I can really enjoy Skyrim without having to start over for a new character or play most of it in vanilla form. I remember with Oblivion I was already pretty much done with the game and quests when a lot of great mods came out and at that point I was pretty much ready to move on.


I noticed Oblivion modding came a lot faster than morrowind and with a bigger mod community..can we expect Skyrim to expand the modding community as well?


So anyways...how long would you suggest waiting after release before picking up the game?

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I cannot tell you how long to wait after the game is released. I simply cannot do that.


And yes, modding will pick up VERY quickly after release since Bethesda confirmed they will be using the NIF format. That means it "should" be a quick transition to the new nif format (assuming there will be new changes) similar to when Fallout was released.


Texture replacers, plugins, savegames / characters can be expected almost immediately. Depending on the NIF changes and what hurdles the Niftools team has to jump through to get an updated version working for the new format, we could be looking at new models being added in a matter of days...possibly weeks. We can probably still use NifSkope and import / replace NiTriStrip meshes with OBJ models but the floodgates for new models will be when the Blender and 3ds Max plugins will be able to import / export to the new NIF format (again, I'm assuming it will be a new NIF format).



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I think that if you find you can't play skyrim without mods then you're possibly a phenomenally difficult to please person :unsure:

On one hand you won't know how good/bad it is in anycase until you try it yourself unless you listen to the community here (i.e. vanilla will suck big time) and on the other you're going to be waiting a while since the early mods are going to be focusing upon the same nudie mods, big boobs, all females in the game become 18 year old 'glamour' models and to be fair perhaps a 'bug' fix or tweak etc.


I would honestly just come up with a character and take the plunge and play it at least once before the community begins plastic surgery :biggrin:

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I agree, play the vanilla game a decent amount. Then, mod your game into a black hole :biggrin:

yeah i agree that's what i do all the time

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I'm gonna try and only use mods that are necessary, I.E. Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Midas Magic for Skyrim, etc.


I'm not gonna do what I used to do and download tons of armor from Star Wars, Soul Calibur, and other games.


Gonna try and enjoy Skyrim for what it is. :biggrin:

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Mods on first playthrough? Not exactly what I'd fancy when going through the quests for the first time. As Inuyasha said above me, try to enjoy the game for what it is the first time. The mods will still be there. By the time you've finished the story once, there'll be tons of bugfree mods out there.
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Good input all, and I'm thinking 2 -4 months after release I'll pick it up at walmart. Or depending on what the mod options look like around here.


Mods on first playthrough? Not exactly what I'd fancy when going through the quests for the first time.


I think this is the difference between other gamers and I. I rarely play a game twice or watch a movie more than once unless I forget most of it. Once I know what is going to happen I usually can't get back into it. That's why I if I spend 50 to 100+ hours in a game (always putting off the main quest to have that to look forward to later) I want to make sure the experience is as good as I can make it with better skies, textures, atmospheric effects, the right character, etc.


However I'll play a few quests just to get a feel of the controls and what character I'll want to be before any mods.

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