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Object doesnt reflect any light in Oblivion


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Hi, I tried to create some static items for oblivion but the objects doesnt reflect any lights.

At this screenshot you can see what i mean:




I only used the default export options for Oblivion:




I found this threat with Google and I tried everything what was

described but I cant solve the problem:




Here is the Testobject I used(Textures included):




Best Regards


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Try and recalculate the normals outside :). Go to Edit Mode,press space then chose the Edit option from the menu, then to to Normals and then Recalculate Normals outside.
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There is something wrong with your normal map file.



- Dimensions: 2048x2048 (good)

- File size: 5,462 kb (good)



- Dimensions: 2048x2048 (good)

- File size: 21,846 kb (bad)


If you chose DXT5 with Mipmaps, your file size should be 5,462 kb


Looking at your NIF file (using NifSkope), I see two NiSourceTexture entries. One for the diffuse texture and one for the normal map. You do not need to specify or even reference the normal map anywhere. The game engine automatically chooses the normal map by the name of the diffuse texture (and adds "_n" to the filename to get the normal map filename)


And for additional info, it is not uncommon to have a lower-res diffuse texture and a higher-res normal map...such as having a 1024x1024 texture and a 2048x2048 normal map.


When I opened up your normal map file, I noticed a common mistake which is to use the diffuse texture to generate the normal map without fine-tuning the end result. For example, I assume the wood-panel is supposed to be a floor. A wood floor "should" be very smooth and a normal map reflecting that would have a very flat-looking area that corresponds to the wood texture...rather than trying to make the wood look like it is rough and jagged in how it displaces reflected light.



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The file size of that normal map sounds like it's a 32 bit 8:8:8:8. Isn't that the only way he could prevent quality loss on the alpha channel though. Or does a dxt 5 keep them? I haven't touched any ob files in a long time though.
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Possibly. I never use uncompressed. After glancing over my last post, I noticed a possible mistake. If the diffuse texture does not contain an alpha channel, a DXT1 compression would cut the file size in half. I cannot remember if I saw data in the alpha channel or not.


Here are some pages related to normal maps and compression:


Choose the right DXTC compression algorithm

Creating detailed normal maps

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