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Question about UOP and other mesh optimization mods


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I was reading the brief patch notes in the unofficial oblivion patch installer (I know, who does that right?). These brief patch notes say that UOP has already optimized something like 937 meshes as a part of the patch. I had plan to install things like low poly grass, operation optimization, and distant LOD max. All of these mods reduce the polygon counts in meshes. My question is, are all of the changes in these optimization mods already covered in UOP? Might I actually be increading my performance by attempting to use them if UOP does it better?


Thanks for any help.

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I dunno the specifics, but when I installed the patches, my game would run rather slow (my processor is worthless when it comes to anything more powerful than the sims 2, hahaha!). Installing Optimization, Stutter Remover and Fast Exit have all made my game run much smoother and with little to no CTDs. Go ahead and install them - Optimization doesn't replace any meshes, it just changes the way Oblivion processes them to make the memory read them more efficiently. The patches won't conflict or anything.
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Operation Optimization is outdated and a lot of people now recommend against using it. You'd be better off running PyFFI yourself on the vanilla meshes and the meshes for mods that are unoptimized. Don't use Distant Land MAX because a lot of the .NIFs are broken or have large holes in them. I found this out the hard way when I was walking along in the first and all of the sudden I fall through the ground and see all the pretty trees over my head.


You can find links and a tutorial on using PyFFI on this site. Be aware that doing this for the Oblivion - Meshes.bsa takes a couple of hours on my quad core, so you might want to do it while eating dinner or something. It will use all your physical and logical threads automatically to speed up the process. When running it all four of my cores are pegged at 100% usage.

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Operation Optimization is outdated and a lot of people now recommend against using it. You'd be better off running PyFFI yourself on the vanilla meshes and the meshes for mods that are unoptimized. Don't use Distant Land MAX because a lot of the .NIFs are broken or have large holes in them. I found this out the hard way when I was walking along in the first and all of the sudden I fall through the ground and see all the pretty trees over my head.


You can find links and a tutorial on using PyFFI on this site. Be aware that doing this for the Oblivion - Meshes.bsa takes a couple of hours on my quad core, so you might want to do it while eating dinner or something. It will use all your physical and logical threads automatically to speed up the process. When running it all four of my cores are pegged at 100% usage.


Last time I used PyFFI is jacked up all my meshes. :/ I'm sure it works good and all, but I just can't get it to run like everyone else can evidently. xD OO works fine for me though.

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I did have a problem with PyFFI messing up the headers of some of the files, causing them to fail to load. But I just optimized them individually, replaced the broken ones in the BSA, and all works fine now. The newest version of PyFFI I admit is a lot better than the previous one I used. Edited by ArmeniusLOD
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I did have a problem with PyFFI messing up the headers of some of the files, causing them to fail to load. But I just optimized them individually, replaced the broken ones in the BSA, and all works fine now. The newest version of PyFFI I admit is a lot better than the previous one I used.


I haven't tried the newer version. I might back up my Data folder this weekend and try it again - I'm just always afraid I'm gonna jack up my game beyond repair. xD (Almost did that with FCOM - now I just get nervous about it, lol)

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I did have a problem with PyFFI messing up the headers of some of the files, causing them to fail to load. But I just optimized them individually, replaced the broken ones in the BSA, and all works fine now. The newest version of PyFFI I admit is a lot better than the previous one I used.


I haven't tried the newer version. I might back up my Data folder this weekend and try it again - I'm just always afraid I'm gonna jack up my game beyond repair. xD (Almost did that with FCOM - now I just get nervous about it, lol)

I've messed up quite a few installations in my time. BAIN keeps me sane now, but I still keep a complete backup of the base installation just in case anything goes horribly wrong.

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I dunno the specifics, but when I installed the patches, my game would run rather slow (my processor is worthless when it comes to anything more powerful than the sims 2, hahaha!). Installing Optimization, Stutter Remover and Fast Exit have all made my game run much smoother and with little to no CTDs. Go ahead and install them - Optimization doesn't replace any meshes, it just changes the way Oblivion processes them to make the memory read them more efficiently. The patches won't conflict or anything.


That sounds like an interesting tool, definitely want to check it out. Can I use this on the BSA and meshes added by other mods? My performance right now is pretty good, but I see big hits when there are a lot of actors on camera, which I attribute to the under optimized meshes used in Babs, roberts, and OOO armors/mods/bodies ect. Also, if I could optimize the meches for AEVWD I could maybe get that to work at a decent framerate, because right now it is to much for my current configuration (a very respectable list of hardware mind you, but oblivion is finicky that way).

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The latest version of RAEVWD already has optimized meshes.


The problem you are seeing with many actors around at once, isn't due to un-optimized meshes, its due to all the AI processing. Only real way to fix that, is to reduce the load on the CPU from other stuff running in the background. (not game related.)


You can unpack the BSA files, optimze the meshes, repack the BSA's, and use the optimized ones. (back up the originals.)


You can do the same for your meshes folder, and the loose files therein.

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Kinda offtopic, but I figured you'd know, does PFFY (i dunno what its called work on fo3 meshes?

Also, i use operation optimazation and it never caused any probs for me, and made it able to play better cities without lag :)

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