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Would this run?


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I am about to place a deposit on a PC I will be getting in 2 months.

Before I do I would like to see how well you think it will run Skyrim (I know the specs have not yet been released.)










Could you rate how well it will run on a scale from 1-10?

Edited by Fuuuzz
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id recommend a GPU upgrade. send a bit more for a HD 5850 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=365429&Sku=P450-5857 or a gtx 550ti http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=41126&csid=_23


but HD 5670 would run it but prply at mid setting at best

Edited by hector530
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NO! Stay with the 5670. I have one and it's great. It runs Crysis 2 at Extreme settings very smoothly. No point spending more than you need


Edit: Get the 1GB Sapphire version though. The heatsink is far superior

Thanks, I will do that!

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No, dont do that, avoid Radeon entirely, they're inferior machines, and will be left whirring impotently and then shortly later overheating disgustingly the moment they encounter a major computational challenge, I would recomend a GTS or even GTX series Nvidia if you can afford it, they're virtualy silent, have vastly superior cooling to anything Radeon, and throw out immense GPU firepower. My main machine runs a single one-and-a-half gb EVGA GTX580 Black Ops Edition, about $600, almost completely silent, because of it too, Radeons are noisy beasties, when I swapped in the GTX I was initialy worried it wasnt working because it just makes a soft hiss unless it's on high load, at which point it's still not loud. The biggest advantage though is that unlike the Radeons of this current spec, it has a fun trumpcard: I can run it for quite a while on max load, but then if I give it a few minutes off-load "breaktime" the fans can cool the card down enough to touch, it's a cool thing, no pun intended. My Radeon, if it got hot, needed half an hour switched off to cool down, the Nividia needs about ten minutes, but can cool down by returning to desktop, which, living in an extreme hot and cold climate, is a massive bonus.


I ran a Radeon for a while, they overheat very easily, have less power than the competition, and arent nearly as reliable, lastly, the fans are very prone to dustfouling, and need a frequent cleanout with pipecleaner, which is not fun, and hard to explain to your significant other. Do yourself a favour and buy an Nvidia, a new machine is a futureproofing excercise, it's about staving off the need to upgrade again as long as possible, and you mark my words, you buy a Radeon, and you'll be replacing it real soon, because that 5670 will NOT run Skyrim.

Edited by Vindekarr
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i dont think he needs a 500+ dollar gtx 580. i think a EVGA superclocked GTX 550ti will do just fine with the rest of this build for about 60 bucks more then a HD 5670 it would be VERY worth it. but i argee with you i think think the HD 5670 will do a "great" job running skyrim Edited by hector530
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You should always go with just above what you need to get the job done-I agree that a GTX580 is like bringing a Desert Eagle .50automag to pop baloons with, but it's smaller relations in the 500 series are truly excellent cards, and wont let you down. Secondly, EVGA is a brand I wholeheartedly recomend, my '580 is very powerful, but it was also very easy to fit, and the instructions were good(and for once, for a PC purchase of mine, actualy in English) The only prob with Nvidia is that they're like American cars: big and thirsty. They need slightly more PSU grunt, but you also need a biggish case, because my GTX580 for example, though a leviathan of a GPU by anyone's standards, is about the size of a shoebox-a foot long by two inches deep and four wide, A mighty behemoth that needed a case replace to work. Edited by Vindekarr
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