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"NV Game Stabilizer"

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Data analysis

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAnalysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains.


Data mining is a particular data analysis technique that focuses on modeling and knowledge discovery for predictive rather than purely descriptive purposes. Business intelligence covers data analysis that relies heavily on aggregation, focusing on business information. In statistical applications, some people divide data analysis into descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and confirmatory data analysis. EDA focuses on discovering new features in the data and CDA on confirming or falsifying existing hypotheses. Predictive analytics focuses on application of statistical or structural models for predictive forecasting or classification, while text analytics applies statistical, linguistic, and structural techniques to extract and classify information from textual sources, a species of unstructured data. All are varieties of data analysis.


Data integration is a precursor to data analysis, and data analysis is closely linked to data visualization and data dissemination. The term data analysis is sometimes used as a synonym for data modeling.


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@ ccmechanic2, please do not post general articles about computer science. This is not what we are asking about. Please pick one change which is made in your mod, and explain why the game does better "with" this change compared to "without" your change. So far, this seems similar to "cold fusion" (I won't post the link here.)
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Univariate analysis

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Univariate analysis is the simplest form of quantitative (statistical) analysis.[1] The analysis is carried out with the description of a single variable and its attributes of the applicable unit of analysis.[1] For example, if the variable age was the subject of the analysis, the researcher would look at how many subjects fall into a given age attribute categories.


Univariate analysis contrasts with bivariate analysis – the analysis of two variables simultaneously – or multivariate analysis – the analysis of multiple variables simultaneously.[1]Univariate analysis is also used primarily for descriptive purposes, while bivariate and multivariate analysis are geared more towards explanatory purposes.[1] Univariate analysis is commonly used in the first stages of research, in analyzing the data at hand, before being supplemented by more advance, inferential bivariate or multivariate analysis.[2][3]


A basic way of presenting univariate data is to create a frequency distribution of the individual cases, which involves presenting the number of attributes of the variable studied for each case observed in the sample.[1] This can be done in a table format, with a bar chart or a similar form of graphical representation.[1] A sample distribution table and a bar chart for an univariate analysis are presented below (the table shows the frequency distribution for a variable "age" and the bar chart, for a variable "incarceration rate"): - this is an edit of the previous as the chart is an example of bivariate, not univariate analysis - as stated above, bivariate analysis is that of two variables and there are 2 variables compared in this graph: incarceration and country.


http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.17/common/images/magnify-clip.pngThis is a frequency distribution chart (ranked from lowest to highest) comparing international incarceration rates in 2002.

Age rangeFrequencyPercentunder 1810518–29502529–45402045–654020over 656030Valid cases: 200

Missing cases: 0There are several tools used in univariate analysis; their applicability depends on whether we are dealing with a continuous variable (such as age) or a discrete variable (such as gender).[1]


In addition to frequency distribution, univariate analysis commonly involves reporting measures of central tendency (location).[1] This involves describing the way in which quantitative data tend to cluster around some value.[4] In the univariate analysis, the measure of central tendency is an average of a set of measurements, the word average being variously construed as (arithmetic) mean, median, mode or other measure of location, depending on the context.[1]


Another set of measures used in the univariate analysis, complementing the study of the central tendency, involves studying the statistical dispersion.[1] Those measurements look at how the values are distributed around values of central tendency.[1] The dispersion measures most often involve studying the range, interquartile range, and the standard deviation.[1]




This is the closest I can get to telling you what I've done, It's target was the collision markers, with this in mind, study this parageme and draw your conclusions. You can apply this to any object in the game. Now also keep in mind, there is a buss load of kids waiting for you too at the same time. They come in the form of 1.3 patch, this changes every thing. so after you make your needed changes to accommodate them, in comes steam to further change the out come of what your doing. Most of you do NOT look at this at all. This is apparent. You passively dismiss things that don't concern you because you can not see them. You don't care what happens, as long as it works. How can I make you care?

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Look, I don't know what you're trying to prove by link flooding an entire page with stuff that doesn't really explain what you're doing, unless you're trying to drown everyone in an argument from authority fallacy.


I've made it clear from the beginning I don't have F:NV and I'm basing everything on the content of your own description of the mod, which quite frankly sounds like snake oil. If I had the game, I'd look deeper into it, and maybe, just maybe, might be able to tell one way or the other what you're doing. I don't, so I've already said there's not much else I can comment on.


Your argument about the F:NV 1.3 patch breaking a bunch of stuff wouldn't surprise me though. The Oblivion modding community went through exactly the same kind of thing when 1.2 came along and broke some stuff. The main difference there is that rather than trying to blindly shoot at the issue, people adjusted their mods when they were found to be incompatible. It sounds like history repeated itself, and someone at Bethesda didn't learn from the past. But instead of adapting to it, it seems like you're trying to offer up a scatter shot solution. I have no doubt this is why you're getting inconsistent reports from people who are using it. The new master file is what it is, and the sooner people accept this, the better. Learn from the past, don't doom everyone to repeat it.


Regarding Fallout 3, this is why I reported your mod as broken - because it damn well is with stuff like this in it:





That script you removed form the base object on that activator? Bad idea. That activator is referenced by several items in Broken Steel. With this in place, those linked items WILL NOT ENABLE when they're supposed to - in fact they never will at all. This is broken and the DLC will likely not function properly due to those references not being properly activated.


The rest of it is fine, I see exactly why you're giving it a proper bounds radius and why you're telling the navmesh system to ignore them. They're like trigger zones in Oblivion and should be ignored by path generation routines.


Other changes you made like setting a couple of collision boxes to ignore pathing don't appear to make a lot of sense. Why would you want a collidable object to be ignored by the navmesh code? Surely you don't want NPCs trying to walk through one of those "invisible barriers" you don't like? Some of those DO have a purpose even if it may not be entirely obvious.


The change to the base CollisionMarker object? Giving it a proper set of object bounds is entirely legit looking. Making the base reference ignore navmesh filtering? That seems ludicrous because you'll end up with valid navigation paths that may attempt to go through these objects.


So if you wanted to know why it got reported, that's why. The base activator record change broke that item, and the base collision marker change appears to break that item as well. Which will result in games appearing to be widely broken all around.


If I've misunderstood what the navmesh filter flag means, feel free to tell me. The information from the GECK wiki indicates I'm not misunderstanding its purpose though.

Edited by Arthmoor
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