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"NV Game Stabilizer"

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so guess what happens when i check the authors nexus listing....

hes updated it, down to 114KB..he BEAT ME to it, i had it down to around 5MB


in other words, we SUCK and im about to try the latest version out :D


im running "A4" http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41745

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this seems to be working perfectly fine, the latest version had only a few hundred duplicates which when removed only decreased file size by a bit under 100k, weighing in at a whole 374kb, 0 dupes

after reading the description which in theory is a very logical approach to some of the clunky npc behavior issues and occasional glitchy player "climbing"


npcs still exhibit their hereditary "run around the bus you dumb ass" moments, but i did notice something that did more or less stand out

on the hills near bonnie springs/khan canyon, i lead 3 fire geckos on a chase, purposely taking "cornerish" routes and otherwise unnatural paths to get away from them, they actually managed to keep up except for one that got stuck in a "ditch"


out of pure desire to understand how the f*** it all works, i started looking at individual changes, and here's what i found to be interesting


under worldspace>WastelandNV


the data flag was modified to "Small World"



there must be two types of navigation mesh-types that have their own subsystem/functionality. probably one for outdoors, as in the Biiiiiig outdoors/mohave


the main outdoors most likely have a more limited "function/logic/special behavioral flag/etc". this would be to reduce the "stress" or overall computational load on the engine as a whole. i mean isnt that would you would do?


the "small world" flag must be for places like camp mc chicken, the strip, etc. these seem to be "dwarf" versions of the main outdoors, but are probably used for "large/populated/wealthier" indoor environments, its possible that navmeshes inside of "small worlds" probably have Increased capabilities, or the "pathing budget" cap is increased/lifted all together. that would make a Lot of sense....assuming my little fantasy is remotely on the ball.


the "navmesh filter/generation" flag thing sounds like the navmeshes are Generated upon being...requested..or queued in whatever subsystem the beth engine handles that thing with, and possibly results in more accurate path/node/placement.

when i ch ecked the edits they all share a few common "batch" edits, which is "initially disabled" (hmm i wonder what that does...you bloat flies), then the additional navgen filter flag.


so...i guess that by essentially flagging the navmeshes as DORMANT/DISABLED, removing the COLLISION FLAGS ON THE MARKERS, you now have "wiped" the original placements/coordinates.....then by having them Generate On Demand (so to speak), you essentially create a "Fresh navmesh" that will NOT take the COLLISION/INVISIBLE marker "BOX" into account, and actually havign it generate a better path that would allow npcs to move a lot more freely....


so by Defining the entire WastelandNV (the mohave) as a "Small world", then doing the aforementioned "format>reinstall navmesh" system, the result would be AI that doesnt go limp just because the phone rang.







i think the man is definitely on to something, and in a way am bit refreshed to see that someone out there gets intimate with internals. if my 'theory' is even remotely accurate, i'd say this hyper-perceptive individual is more likely misunderstood the majority of the time, which make errors such as releasing a raw recompile-based plugin seem like some sort of evil act or "dumb ass newb", when perhaps the case merits the opposite which is to pay close attention by following the clues, trying to make sense of it and god forbid contact his ass to ask em in person


please, if anyone has a better picture or understanding and sees the holes in anything im saying, i urge you to let me know


im gonna do that (contact em) in a bit when i finish something else. wish me luck cause a lot of times people get weirded out by my style, and believe me im gonna hit em with a private message probably twice as big as this, or Worse!




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Unfortunately, the mod author is not yet qualified for this section, (not quite enough downloads yet) But eventually will be. I expect him to become active in this thread and explain along with defending his mod.



I thought you just needed 1k downloads over all the nexuses? He has more than that on his FO3 alone does he not?

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@Mojo, Nope, The count is 1k for each site separately, and unique downloads, not total. You need 1K unique downloads from any ONE site to qualify. As of this morning May17, 2011 - CCmechanic has 591 on NV, and 841 for FO3.


It will be interesting to see what he has to say when he does get here. :tongue:

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I didn't realize that either. I thought this would be visible to him as well. Guess I look like more of a d-bag than usual.

Anyhoo he has been asked point blank more than once in his own thread to explain what he's doing and why he's doing it (i.e. why he thinks it works) and hasn't really answered in a concise way (at least that is comprehensible to me), so it's good there is some actual discussion about the mod going on, even if it's conjecture and only slightly :) more comprehensible.

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i just wanted to pop back in here for a split sec and let you guys know the following


i contacted the author and have been dealing with him for the past few hours

hes accessible & focused, im liking the style, im sending him whatever i can as he goes over it, this is fun as hell


hes like super mario in a jet fighter

seems have a very clear understanding of engine and is comfortable traveling in the dark corners/blind spots in formid-land


i hope he reaches his approval requirement soon cause it would be wonderful to get a thread going thatll be on FIRE!! heh

would be really f***ing cool to see a thread that logs progress to completion


alrighty back to foedit hope to come with positive results super soon!

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If you want him on these author sites - I believe he would be an asset here - you might download his FO3 mods as it has a couple of hundred more unique DLs right now. - we need about 150 more FO3 DLs, or, about 350 more NV DLs (5/18/2011)



And http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=15780


The biggest reason he has not had the unique DLs needed is because of the first few comments that say it doesn't work. So, many people who would have tried it backed off. Remember this is still experimental and may not work with some mods or the DLCs yet. And of course who knows what changes the steam auto updates are making to throw up roadblocks. :wallbash:

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Put simply, what he did was a Big Fat No NO. His description say's what he did. Unknowingly, He deleted ALL Barriers in the game world. Thus braking the logic circuit controls in the Havoc engine code. He is telling the game to commit suicide. With out those barriers, Where in the game world is the engine going to deposit it's garbage? errors generated have to have a Dump file OR a Place to Dump the information too. In both games. This engine uses the collision markers as bas. Now when you Have no collision markers and I tell the engine to Deliberate by pass something that's not even loaded in to ram? what do you suppose will happen?, The failsafe mechanizes built in the the gambryo engine will start to deposit these generated codes Junk informations, errors, redirects processed Into what ever is closest to the sand box. the player. Every item, object has with it attached other items. Thus a cascading effect gets processed both good and bad. The machine could care less. It's job is to calculate any data we feed it. When using the tool fnvedit and you check some one's mod for errors and see things like error can not be resolved. it's because Either that author or the source author Deleted items before finalizing or did NOT finalize his mod. In this forum I was challenged to show this. really skeptic people. Why? because in earnest, they had No clue as to what I was referring to. Again, common place misunderstanding of given practices on use of a tool . Misconceptions on a massive scale. Then some Geek like me steps in to see "What's up". Now the snow ball starts to roll. It gets bigger as it rolls. I placed the challenged Proof as I was asked to provide in My gallery. No further Explanation is needed. The forum thread is there with all of that discussion already typed out.







I rest my case.

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