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Skyrim is getting dull.


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why does Requiem get no mention?


Because Requiem is dumb IMO. Sorry for being upfront about my opinion, but it's incompatible with about 99.999999% of the Skyrim mods ever made. So is PerMa. The only ones I really ever used made my character way too powerful, and being overpowered is only fun for about 5 minutes and then things get boring. I'm working on something where NPCs have no level cap.

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For me game pushed farther from RPG and closer to Shooter.


I went straight from shooters into the world of Fallout 3, FNV and then to Skyrim. I have regarded them as super enhanced first person shooters (never play that 3rd person stuff). Isn't RPG when you identify with some animal the player has struggled to imbue with special powers in World of Warcraft or something like that? I've seen my kids playing that stuff and the have really enjoyed it. I was very hesitant to play Skyrim at first because I thought it would be populated with talking animals. Glad to find that it was also an enhanced open-world non-linear shooter with bows, spells and melee weapons. I think Bethesda pretty much is the only maker of games with all those qualities.


Maybe the roleplaying lies in being able to create a different character for yourself each time. You can pretend you are an Elf princess or an Elf-lord, etc.... Might as well add some variety to these wonderful shooters!

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Hm, I don't think it is fair to say "bethesda games are s*** but mods solve" but I do think it is fair to say that without any mods whatsoever, Skyrim would be a rather forgettable game. Morrowind would hold up better on its own in comparison.


edit: wrong thread :D

Edited by BigBizkit
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I stopped playing Skyrim for 4 times now, but I always get back. Things get old, especially when you play vanilla game over and over, it's a general rule for any game. We are lucky to have mods which every time can give us something new.


If you know your way at modding the game, I recommend any overhaul mod. That mod alone (whatever mod it is) will change you experience by 360 deegres, trust me. I prefer SkyRe, but that is outdated so you have to know fix compatibility issues with newer mod, plus you need to download tons of patches.


After that you can make enemies powerfull and diverse, Skyrim Immersive Creatures is great mod, also ASIS is fantastic to make your battles more interesting by increasing spawns and giving perks to other NPCs. Concerning dragons, Dragon Combat Overhaul is fantastic if you like HC game style, other than that there are ERSO Mighty Dragons and Deadly Dragons (I use all three and it's awesome, they realy make dragons semi gods).


Maybe survival mods like Frostfall, Hunterborn, Realistic Needs and Diseases etc etc.


Are you into magic? Apocalypse is fantastic mod, also you can try Midas Magic which I endorsed since Oblivion. While not technically magic, Thunderchild takes thuum to totaly another level, really makes you fill like dragonborn.


These are my suggestions to keep Skyrim interesting, but it all depends on personal tastes. However, with the list above, I guarantee new game, like Skyrim 2 or something.

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