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Advice for world building (Lod's)


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I've been working on my own little world recently and now it's started to grow, I've noticed mountains and stuff have started disappearing and I have to refresh(F5) to see them again which becomes a hassle since it actually takes a while to load.

I believe this is due to not having generated Lod's correct?

If so should I go ahead and generate Lod's already?

Or is that something I want to hold off doing until the very end and just have to put up with invisible mountains until I'm near complete?

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In the CK, even if u have generated LOD, it won't show up in the editor. In order to extend what u can see in there, right click, go to misc and increase your UgridstoLoad from 5 to 11 or 13 (depending on how much ur system can handle).

Once ur convinced ur done building the main aspects of ur world, download Oscape to generate land LOD. Then TES5LODGen to generate object LOD's. These 2 programs are extremely simple to use and the job done very well.

Here's a vid on how to do that (ignore CK object generation and go with TES5LODGen)

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