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Attribute Damage Mystery...


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I'm posting here because I'm honestly not sure if this is a mod problem or not, and maybe someone can help me puzzle out whether or not that's the case...


(I saw a similar thread about this from last year, but I wanted to start a newer one....if that wasn't the right thing to do, please tell me or move it wherever you like...)


Four of my attributes are permanently damaged, and I have no idea why. My active effects tab only lists the good stuff. PRAYING AT THE CHURCH DOES NOTHING. Restore attribute spells don't work either, nor do dispel spells/potions, or custom restore spells/potions. I've tried using console commands to up my intelligence, etc. by gobs - the attribute goes up, but the negative modifier stays. It's like a little red itch on my screen I can't scratch and it's driving me absolutely crazy. All the hunger mods I've tried have been disabled; I've re-enabled them long enough to eat and drink and that does nothing either.


A disclaimer: I'm sure it's probably possible to mess with my saved game in Wrye Bash, but it's not my best friend right now...it's not loading and I'm not a programmer so I can't make heads or tails of it. Ugh. Is there anything I can do inside the console, CS, or the game itself to get rid of these debuffs? I don't even know what they are! :(

Edited by LadyAubrie
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COBL Races.tnr

Natural Weather

Natural Weather HDR

Natural Habitat

Natural Water

Window Lighting System

City Lights - Imperial City

0FPetroBoots.esp (boots - cosmetic)

ACCCGR.esp (all cloaks, clothes, etc)

Female Sweater Mod.esp (self-explanatory)


COBL Tweaks

Red Rose Manor.esp

Abriael Human.esp

Tona's Mod Store.esp

za_bankmod.esp (Bank of Cyrodiil)

Shadowcrest Vineyard.esp

Shadowcrest Vineyard guard.esp

Salmo the Baker, COBL.esp

Natural Vegetation.esp

2nd to 1st person.esp

MCaleb's Decompose Corpse.esp

Mounted Spellcasting.esp (Deadly Reflex)

Mayu's Animation Overhaul

DMC Stylish

Sexy Witch Poses.esp

SP1stPLegs.esp (first person legs - Deadly Reflex)

Ren Beauty Pack Only Hairs

COBL Races

COBL Silent Equip

Bashed Patch.esp (although I'm not sure if it's doing much of anything at the moment...)

Desu Chan's Store.esp

Mandy.esp (a personal weapon mod I made - no stat buffs)

Golden Perch Inn.esp

Abbie's Stuff.esp (a clothes mod I made...some clothes and rings have skill buffs, but I've tried disabling this mod, to no avail)

Deadly Reflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp


As I mentioned really briefly, I disabled my own mods (Mandy and Abbie's Stuff) and Tona's Mod Store to see if the attribute damage was related to those mods...the damage stayed, sadly...:( And yeah, I BOSSed the list, although I have to admit I'm not entirely sure how it works (eek) and it never seems to list Deadly Reflex last, as it needs to be in order to work properly.


The damage appeared after I got out of an Ayleid Ruin where I fought Will O The Wisps...and it was a lot worse until I visited a church, and now I'm at -2 and -1 on most, if not all, of my stats (taking off my buff ring reveals that it's worse than I thought). Googling the problem told me that praying at the church is the most common way of dealing with the problem, and restore attribute spells and potions are also common. Dispel is less common, and totally permanent attribute damage seems to be totally unheard of. I'd tried all those solutions before realizing it could be a technical problem; if it was an in-game problem, there would definitely be some way to get rid of it, right? :)

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Cure Disease? or you just became a vampire...and need to feed? You don't have any mods that would contribute to this. I would think you have been diseased, and need a Cure Disease potion or spell. The church should have fixed this issue. I am not fimiliar with DR6...but there could be something in there. You might read the read me for it or jump into the [RELZ] thread over at bethesda.
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COBL Races.tnr

Natural Weather

Natural Weather HDR

Natural Habitat

Natural Water

Window Lighting System

City Lights - Imperial City

0FPetroBoots.esp (boots - cosmetic)

ACCCGR.esp (all cloaks, clothes, etc)

Female Sweater Mod.esp (self-explanatory)


COBL Tweaks

Red Rose Manor.esp

Abriael Human.esp

Tona's Mod Store.esp

za_bankmod.esp (Bank of Cyrodiil)

Shadowcrest Vineyard.esp

Shadowcrest Vineyard guard.esp

Salmo the Baker, COBL.esp

Natural Vegetation.esp

2nd to 1st person.esp

MCaleb's Decompose Corpse.esp

Mounted Spellcasting.esp (Deadly Reflex)

Mayu's Animation Overhaul

DMC Stylish

Sexy Witch Poses.esp

SP1stPLegs.esp (first person legs - Deadly Reflex)

Ren Beauty Pack Only Hairs

COBL Races

COBL Silent Equip

Bashed Patch.esp (although I'm not sure if it's doing much of anything at the moment...)

Desu Chan's Store.esp

Mandy.esp (a personal weapon mod I made - no stat buffs)

Golden Perch Inn.esp

Abbie's Stuff.esp (a clothes mod I made...some clothes and rings have skill buffs, but I've tried disabling this mod, to no avail)

Deadly Reflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp


As I mentioned really briefly, I disabled my own mods (Mandy and Abbie's Stuff) and Tona's Mod Store to see if the attribute damage was related to those mods...the damage stayed, sadly...:( And yeah, I BOSSed the list, although I have to admit I'm not entirely sure how it works (eek) and it never seems to list Deadly Reflex last, as it needs to be in order to work properly.


The damage appeared after I got out of an Ayleid Ruin where I fought Will O The Wisps...and it was a lot worse until I visited a church, and now I'm at -2 and -1 on most, if not all, of my stats (taking off my buff ring reveals that it's worse than I thought). Googling the problem told me that praying at the church is the most common way of dealing with the problem, and restore attribute spells and potions are also common. Dispel is less common, and totally permanent attribute damage seems to be totally unheard of. I'd tried all those solutions before realizing it could be a technical problem; if it was an in-game problem, there would definitely be some way to get rid of it, right? :)


I have a feeling the damage stayed even though you disabled them because it wasn't a new save file. Disable the mods that you think might be causing the problem, and try a new character and see if the results are the same. Good luck to ya, post back here with your results!

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I had a similar problem with one of my skills, in this case a mystery penalty to sneak. Anyway, cleaning my mods with tes4edit solved it. I can't say which one it was, but...


Also, try running your game in the order BOSS puts them; and see if deadly reflex works properly. Also, bashed patch needs to be at the end, unless one of your mods specifically says to put it after.

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