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Need .nif files


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I had these somewhere, but they accidentally got deleted while I was pruning my files.


Nif - House Dagoth Cup

Nif - Stendarr's Hammer

Nif - Ash Statue


I need these to fix up something, so I would appreciate if someone could get me those. Especially the cup.

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These three items are all parts of the game supplied on the disk, so I'd see it you can't repair it via control panel. If not, copy all your save files (they're in the Morrowind file) to another location, and make a note of any mods you are running as well. The next stage would be to uninstall Morrowind (if you have any "official" mods, delete those first).


Derfrag the computer as it will need it now. If you haven't run a defrag for some time, it'll take a while especially if you have a large drive.


Now re-install everything and put the saves back where you found them. Don't forget to add in any other mods you were using as well, put the saves back into the same place and you should be able to play the game OK now, - those nif files should have installed OK this time.

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These three items are all parts of the game supplied on the disk, so I'd see it you can't repair it via control panel. If not, copy all your save files (they're in the Morrowind file) to another location, and make a note of any mods you are running as well. The next stage would be to uninstall Morrowind (if you have any "official" mods, delete those first).


Derfrag the computer as it will need it now. If you haven't run a defrag for some time, it'll take a while especially if you have a large drive.


Now re-install everything and put the saves back where you found them. Don't forget to add in any other mods you were using as well, put the saves back into the same place and you should be able to play the game OK now, - those nif files should have installed OK this time.


I think some people might have misunderstood. I had them as a MOD component. I was, more or less, just trying to get the House Dagoth Cup in oblivion (Let's face it, it's cool stuff). However, I kind of screwed up along the way. Basically, I lost the mesh and icon for oblivion, so I was hoping someone could get me a House Dagoth Cup NIF and DDS for OBLIVION. I don't need it for morrowind. I need it for oblivion. I have developing a small mod (5 rooms as is, bout 20 or so NPCs), and have been trying to find an oblivion version of the House Dagoth Cup NIF and DDS.


Not really for release stuff. Just like to fool around (After all, my mod requires about 9 others).


Hopefully this cleared things up.

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I see what you're driving at now, but as The Vampire Dante said, your best bet is to find the items needed in the Morrowind CS. You should be able to port these into Oblivion, just remember two things, the nif files in Morrowind are already NetImmersers/Gambryo files so there should be not problem there, but the texture files are a bit different. they are tga files,


Unfortunately there is only one tga file for each item, and there is nor normal map file. To port the tga files to Oblivion, you'll need a nifty little utility called "DDS Converter". Basically copy the tga file to a folder - any folder will do, best is a temp folder. Open the DDS Converter and at the bottom you'll see two boxes, one is the file to read and the other is what it is to be transferred into. For that one select DDS, for the other select TGA.


You may well need a normal map an _n.DDS file, to give a false 3D effect as well.

You can get DDS Converter from TESNexus (look in the utilities section) so that should help.

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To be honest, I'm not one for needless icons. I really only want the nif. Here is the thing: I DO NOT HAVE MORROWIND ON PC. I made them from the ground up. Considering my poorer blender skills, and the intricacies of this item, I may need help making a new one. I did not have the morrowind one, rather I made one for oblivion that got lost. I suck at blender as is, so I need some help making it, really.
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To Kuraikiba


All I can advise you is to get a copy of Morrowind, either the GOTY or the original version - each will give you what you require. You should be able to get the data you need from that disk. Try Amazon or one or the other game firms.

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