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Workshop Not letting me build


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Sorry for the double post but uploaded a video so you guys could see what it was doing exactly.


Edit: Tried even going to another settlement. Same thing. This is going to drive me nuts. Cause I plan on start a fresh game and want to narrow this down.



Edited by HippeusOmega
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Ok, it's just a guess but worth a try: get some more steel. I've helped another user with a similar issue. In his case, he had the exact number of one resource needed and couldn't build the item. In your case it seems you have 5 steel and as far as I can judge, you only have that issue with items that require 4 steel, so still pretty close to the amount of steel you have. See if having 6, 7 or more steel fixes the issue.


Edit: had to dig around a bit but I found the thread I was referring to: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3747760-have-resources-but-cannot-place/

Edited by wax2k
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