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Site redesign - 2016 Update #1


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In response to post #35105540. #35181295 is also a reply to the same post.

gezegond wrote: I can't say I like it. The mods, news, media, should be on different pages. If they have to be on the same page I'd combine news and media and put it on a side bar. Way it is now very easy to miss, not many people scroll down. And if you're here just for the news, you shouldn't have to scroll down.
fredlaus wrote: I second that :-)

All of those things are on different pages, this is the index page for the selected game and you're getting an overview of everything this child site contains. If you're here 'just for the news', you'd click 'news' and be taken to the news index where all you will see is news items. Edited by llihP
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Mockup looks like another generic "modern" site.


The Nexus UI is fine; there's no need to change it. It's clear and has a good contrast between everything. The "modern" look removes contrast, removes separation and turns everything into big floating boxes. It's not good for clarity. Sure, it helps mobile users since everything's bigger; but at the detriment of everyone else.


I just want that stupid tabbing system that puts tons of garbage URLs in our browser history to go away (along with the ?'s on every URL). That, and a big improvement on the searching system. Those are the only two gripes I really have with the site, beyond minor QoL tweaks.

Edited by DAOWAce
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New layout looks awesome,I hope it removes all those things that are currently not well thought/not implemented,like following things:


Hot Files: as the name suggests you should see here the files that are currently downloaded @most. But it isnt really like that,as currently just new mods are displayed there.Mods which are already a longer times on nexus are not displayed there,no matter how often they are currently downloaded.



Editor options: Many options are just available by simple clicks when writing a personal message,I dont know why the Nexus descriptions have to write most of those codes themselves,btw the posting system has to write all those codes themselves if the messages aren`t written in the forum,but on the mod pages themselves.



Adding Text Anchor Options: Many mod descriptions are so long,they could need text anchors,so you could write a list of content @the beginning of the page,with links which lead to the point in detail.It seems this function isnt currently implemented,and if it is,those codes seem to be VERY special.After trying a lot of BB and HTML codes,I have to give up on that idea.



Other than that,everything is fine.I hope this feedback helps you making the site even better :)

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In response to post #35087280. #35125815, #35168160, #35181215, #35183765, #35186770, #35201575 are all replies on the same post.

cynrossi wrote: The worst thing about your site is while browsing mod files I click on one to learn more about it when I click the back button it doesn't return me to the page I was on but the page 1 of the list. If I was 50 pages into a few 100 page list of mods it is a real pain to work my way back to where I was in the list. This is with internet explorer I haven't used other browsers.
J.O.D. wrote: Best way for me is to click on the mod using middle button and open the details for the mod on a new tab. Took some time to get used to it, but works like charm.
BlueGunk wrote: How embarrassing. In a hundred years of PC work, I never realised that! (D'Oh! ) Thanks for the tip!
fredlaus wrote: WOW, I am ashamed to say I didn't either. Works like a sharm.
Thank you for sharing J.O.D. :-)
WanderingMania wrote: That's a pretty nifty trick BlueGunk. I would like to know how you can squeeze 100 years of working with PCs, when the "PC" has only been around about 36 years (give or take a few years).
dohlbrak wrote: J.O.D. I had no idea about that, I always right clicked and then open in new tab. THANK YOU!!! That works like a charm.
BlueGunk wrote: @ Wanderingmania: It just feels like 100 years! I was using punched tape and card back on mainframes in the 1970s... And as for the pre-Internet days an acoustic coupler on a Texas unit. It does feel a long time... Hope you appreciate the humour.

Alternatively, in Firefox (could work for other browsers too, not sure) you can hold CTRL and then click on the mod.

It will work the same way as the middle button.
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You should add a section to the homepage called discover, where when you click it it gives you a semi-random selection of mods to look at. This would be good to have because sometimes you're looking for something new to add but you don't know exactly what you want.
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In response to post #35284975.

MRgaming360 wrote: You should add a section to the homepage called discover, where when you click it it gives you a semi-random selection of mods to look at. This would be good to have because sometimes you're looking for something new to add but you don't know exactly what you want.

I like that +1
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