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Site redesign - 2016 Update #1


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there should be a slightly faster way to find other like minded people/mod makers on the nexus to chat with or come up with new ideas more or less a think tank for games like morrowind and others its hard to find anyone when they are around
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In response to post #35087280. #35125815, #35168160, #35181215, #35183765, #35186770, #35201575, #35279395 are all replies on the same post.

cynrossi wrote: The worst thing about your site is while browsing mod files I click on one to learn more about it when I click the back button it doesn't return me to the page I was on but the page 1 of the list. If I was 50 pages into a few 100 page list of mods it is a real pain to work my way back to where I was in the list. This is with internet explorer I haven't used other browsers.
J.O.D. wrote: Best way for me is to click on the mod using middle button and open the details for the mod on a new tab. Took some time to get used to it, but works like charm.
BlueGunk wrote: How embarrassing. In a hundred years of PC work, I never realised that! (D'Oh! ) Thanks for the tip!
fredlaus wrote: WOW, I am ashamed to say I didn't either. Works like a sharm.
Thank you for sharing J.O.D. :-)
WanderingMania wrote: That's a pretty nifty trick BlueGunk. I would like to know how you can squeeze 100 years of working with PCs, when the "PC" has only been around about 36 years (give or take a few years).
dohlbrak wrote: J.O.D. I had no idea about that, I always right clicked and then open in new tab. THANK YOU!!! That works like a charm.
BlueGunk wrote: @ Wanderingmania: It just feels like 100 years! I was using punched tape and card back on mainframes in the 1970s... And as for the pre-Internet days an acoustic coupler on a Texas unit. It does feel a long time... Hope you appreciate the humour.
Aelthas wrote: Alternatively, in Firefox (could work for other browsers too, not sure) you can hold CTRL and then click on the mod.

It will work the same way as the middle button.

Thank you J.O.D., that takes the cake. Learning never stops :smile:
That works for links as well btw.
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