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Making Videos for you mods...


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I'm relearning After Effects CC and Premiere Pro CC to add videos in my mod description page. I learned After Effects so long ago, it was when Adobe used cardboard and crayons, and we moved around the text running around the room while ppl video'd it. So, again, starting from wtf, my normal start.


For some reason, I have to be connected to the internet EVERY time I start the programs. I'm I doing something wrong? Can't I opt out of the matrix?


What programs are the standard to use for youtube and here? Did I shoot to high, and the oncoming wind splashed back my attempt?


Idk, I don't like anything or anyone that has to touch me all the time...and by habit, I tend to firewall disable everything calling out of my computer, so I don't like this.

Edited by jeffglobal
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These questions would most likely be answered more completely and clearly on the net at large, rather than a specific sub-forum of gaming site.


tl;dr: i unno.

You'd be surprised. When I used to play SWTOR, I'd ask questions in general chat all the time. Given there are some ppl that use videos in there mods, I thought it would be simple to answer for them.


I'll try the "general mod authors" forum...maybe mo ppl potentially could help. I'm not gonna die if I never know, but I really would like the software to stop that. Very invasive.

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I don't use any Adobe CC programs because they are so cloud based it is creepy. I think the CC stands for Creepy Cloud...


I use After Effect CS4 while the rest of my Adobe products are CS6. I was working as an art director for a small company so the money for licenses wasn't coming out of my pocket.


After Effects is great, but I am sure there are simpler programs out there to meet your simple needs. No need to shoot a fly with a rocket launcher, right?

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Now I want to shoot a bloatfly with a rocket launcher.


Thanks for that.


I have only one mod installed for my Fallout game, and it allows me to add any attachment to any weapon. So I can use the guided missile attachment to lock on to a bloatfly with my mini-gun and then send 100 rockets flying his way all at once.

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It's very strange. Today, when I opened AE it didn't need to go to the internet. I keep my workstation off the net, and I'll let an old laptop or my less old laptop stay connected.


I watched a 3D text video tutorial way beyond my current knowledge and I got so confused, I can't find the videos anymore! Now that's awesome! So I held my nose and started an intro video course, cause, it's still looks pretty much the same, but my brain isn't. Supposibly the ray tracer is a function not included in cs4 but I think is cs6 and up, idk, I didn't even get to the part where the guy was gonna compare plugins, my brain flamed out...


Maybe there's something up with premiere, I didn't open it today. I'm looking at Camtasia (it was suggested to me on another thread, Bloatfly shooter), and may play with that until I have more time to tackle premiere, if necessary at all.


Hey, I don't have simple needs! I always shoot high, unless there's a headwind. Complexity helps me forget me problems. All this is really a high tech way to draw with pencils or charcoal, with my Art Therapy.

Edited by jeffglobal
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