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I am trying to figure out why when I start SLM in the console and select an NPC that I want to modify the game will not give me the option to select the part of the face I want to modify. After starting SLM I have the various alphabet options at the bottom of the screen and selecting A multiple times will change the hair and/or skin color. But I get no option to individually select the part of the face or the style of the hair or the color of the hair. My cursor never changes shape from the default arrowhead, when I think I should be getting a circle. I also get no sub-menus when clicking on the face or hair.


The same problem exists if I type "SLM player" and try to edit myself. I can change myself at the barber chair but companions and NPC don't have the option to get a haircut!!!


What might the source of this problem with SLM? Thanks.

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