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Console Issue

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Hi all


After luckily having no real problems with Oblivion for quite some time, something new has popped up. Now before I was able to bring the console up with the ` key on my keyboard, shortly after i was forced to use both Shift ~ keys so I decided to have the ring mod. This also worked fine, but most recently it has just stopped working and I confused as to why :/ I've checked about on other posts and forums for any other solutions too.


So then I decided to use the console spell mod, I get the dialogue that prompts me to enter my codes and then click on done to exit the console. But there was no actual text on the bottom left of the screen where the console code is usually placed so I wrote the player.additem 0000000f 250000 code for the money from memory to see if it would still work but nothing happened.


Lastly, with no other mods working for me I went into Device Manager and disabled the Human Interface for my wireless mouse and keyboard. Oddly enough the keyboard was still useable as it has another plug in the PS/2 port, but the mouse was non-responsive being completely wireless. So I re-enabled, went back into Oblivion and removed the usb slot for the Reciever. Nothing.


And now I'm completely out of ideas, and really its driving me nuts! I've started a new game, got tired of my usual sword-wielding tank characters I make and changed my mind after I did a few quests to create a more stealth-minded character for the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quests that i've been enjoying...and i'm halfway through both and still stuck at Level 2 after ten hours because of my new play style.


So if you guys have any more tips or know any other ways around it I'll be very appreciative :) and as a note i'm running Windows XP, and my keyboard has an "F Lock" button that seems to enable the F1 through to F12 keys on windows, but not in game as I set the Change Console key to F12 which worked fine on another computer.

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Yeah, I got OBSE running perfectly. I did try that mod, through that I set the new key to F12 and then to make sure I went into the ini file and made sure the BAallowConsole was set to 1. There's another config file somewhere in another folder that alters a few other options and here I set the consolekey to F12. This has done virtually squat.


I'm going to have another fiddle with the devices, If that doesnt work again I'll swap them over to usb connected types I have in reserve

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I think the issue is your keyboard. If I can remember the URL for the list of keys, you could assign the keys manually, as one would have to do for making an XBOX controller work. Have you tried backing-up your Oblivion.ini and letting Oblivion make a new one for you? With the back-up, and of course if the problem is fixed doing so, you can go back thru and compare the two INI for any game settings adjusted already to your liking.


However, I do think its the F LOCK function on your keyboard that may be the problem. You say the game doesn't recognize it as being locked... :( Some hardware Oblivion just doesn't like.

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Have you tried backing-up your Oblivion.ini and letting Oblivion make a new one for you? With the back-up, and of course if the problem is fixed doing so, you can go back thru and compare the two INI for any game settings adjusted already to your liking.


I did exactly this, and it fixed the problem straight away. The hardware seemed very responsive and the F Lock function was able to initialize the F12 button for the console. I really do think there is a massive issue with my oblivion.ini...I backed it up, got oblivion to create a new one...and it caused so many crashes after a few moments which is probably related to other mods I have that altered the older ini and didnt know what to do or couldn't create entries. I'd get a crash on exit, entering certain areas, changes in weather etc. Then after I made my changes via the console I placed the older ini back on top of the other overwriting it and the crashes seem and i'll use it lightly, seem to have stopped :/


But my thanks to both of you :D

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